
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A firearm or a piece of ordnance having a barrel (or barrels) with a spirally grooved bore.
  • noun A soldier armed with a rifle: so named at a time when the rifle was not the usual weapon of the infantry: as, the Royal Irish Rifles—that is, the 83d and 86th regiments of British infantry.
  • In gun-making, to cut spiral grooves in (the bore of a gun-barrel).
  • To whet, as a scythe, with a rifle.
  • To groove firearms spirally along the interior of the bore.
  • To seize and bear away by force; snatch away.
  • To rob; plunder; pillage: often followed by of.
  • To raffle; dispose of in a raffle.
  • To commit robbery or theft.
  • To raffle; play at dice or some other game of chance wherein the winner secures stakes previously agreed upon.
  • noun A bent stick standing on the butt of the handle of a scythe.
  • noun An instrument used after the manner of a whetstone for sharpening scythes, and consisting of a piece of wood coated with sharp sand or emery, with a handle at one end.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To seize and bear away by force; to snatch away; to carry off.
  • transitive verb To strip; to rob; to pillage.
  • transitive verb obsolete To raffle.
  • noun A gun, the inside of whose barrel is grooved with spiral channels, thus giving the ball a rotary motion and insuring greater accuracy of fire. As a military firearm it has superseded the musket.
  • noun (Mil.) A body of soldiers armed with rifles.
  • noun A strip of wood covered with emery or a similar material, used for sharpening scythes.
  • noun (Mil.) a trench for sheltering sharpshooters.
  • intransitive verb obsolete To raffle.
  • intransitive verb rare To commit robbery.
  • transitive verb To grove; to channel; especially, to groove internally with spiral channels.
  • transitive verb To whet with a rifle. See Rifle, n., 3.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A long firearm firing a single projectile, usually with a rifled barrel to improve accuracy.
  • verb to search with intent to steal; to ransack, pillage or plunder.
  • verb To add a spiral to the interior of a gun bore to make a fired bullet spin in flight to improve range and accuracy.
  • verb To strike something with great power.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb steal goods; take as spoils
  • verb go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way
  • noun a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Middle English, from Old French rifler ("to scrape off, plunder"), from Old Low Franconian *riffilōn (compare obsolete Dutch rijffelen 'to scrape', Old English geriflian ("to wrinkle"), Middle High German riffeln ("to scratch, heckle (flax)"), Old High German riffilōn ("to saw, rub apart")), frequentative of Proto-Germanic *rīfanan (compare Old Norse rifa ("to tear, break")). More at rive.


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  • Yes | No | Report from sarg wrote 10 weeks 5 days ago kudukid, you are some what correct, but remember, a rifle is a lot stronger than a revolver, as stated, the back strap is the weakest point on a revolver, due to the rear sight at rear of strap, and flame cut at front of strap.

    An Expert Gunsmith on Over-Pressure Rounds and Exploding Handguns 2009

  • Yes | No | Report from sarg wrote 10 weeks 5 days ago kudukid, you are some what correct, but remember, a rifle is a lot stronger than a revolver, as stated, the back strap is the weakest point on a revolver, due to the rear sight at rear of strap, and flame cut at front of strap.

    An Expert Gunsmith on Over-Pressure Rounds and Exploding Handguns 2009

  • Second, the rifle is as you see it here — not a mark, not a scratch, not a ding, despite considerable use.

    Uncategorized Blog Posts 2010

  • Second, the rifle is as you see it here — not a mark, not a scratch, not a ding, despite considerable use.

    Uncategorized Blog Posts 2010

  • About 30 seconds after opening the shipping case at my local gunshop, however, and in direct contrast to the hand-written notes on the order form in the case, I noted the action on the rifle is a short action.

    Rifles of Interest, Vol. 1 2009

  • Jim in NC -- As long as a rifle is accurate and has a good trigger, Dave will like it no matter how much or little it costs.

    Do-It-Yourself Recoil Reducer 2009

  • So that Weaterby 300WSM, sub moa rifle is my favorite round and rifle for Wapiti, though the new Browning is also making a stron case for my field time.

    Best Elk Rifle? 2009

  • So that Weaterby 300WSM, sub moa rifle is my favorite round and rifle for Wapiti, though the new Browning is also making a stron case for my field time.

    Best Elk Rifle? 2009

  • Jim in NC -- As long as a rifle is accurate and has a good trigger, Dave will like it no matter how much or little it costs.

    Do-It-Yourself Recoil Reducer 2009

  • About 30 seconds after opening the shipping case at my local gunshop, however, and in direct contrast to the hand-written notes on the order form in the case, I noted the action on the rifle is a short action.

    Rifles of Interest, Vol. 1 2009


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