A list of 199 words by serendoxity.
- highwaymanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 22 lists
- mountebankwas added by serendoxity and appears on 106 lists
- gleemanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- brennerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- eunuchwas added by serendoxity and appears on 32 lists
- overlordwas added by serendoxity and appears on 20 lists
- bardwas added by serendoxity and appears on 76 lists
- seneschalwas added by serendoxity and appears on 46 lists
- bookbinderwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- screeverwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- villeinwas added by serendoxity and appears on 20 lists
- sophistwas added by serendoxity and appears on 56 lists
- elegistwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- smeltermanwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- apostlewas added by serendoxity and appears on 59 lists
- psalmistwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- aldermanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 24 lists
- cotterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 11 lists
- crusaderwas added by serendoxity and appears on 15 lists
- gong farmerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- reevewas added by serendoxity and appears on 29 lists
- minstrelwas added by serendoxity and appears on 33 lists
- bootleggerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 16 lists
- typesetterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- milkmanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- lamplighterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- icemanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- pinsetterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- lectorwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- sutlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 32 lists
- shipkeeperwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- blacksmithwas added by serendoxity and appears on 27 lists
- sorterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- swashbucklerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 41 lists
- husbandmanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- harpoonerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- milkmaidwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- dragoonwas added by serendoxity and appears on 67 lists
- chantymanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- heraldwas added by serendoxity and appears on 64 lists
- peddlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- reddlemanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- navvywas added by serendoxity and appears on 25 lists
- hurrierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- bodgerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- lumberjackwas added by serendoxity and appears on 25 lists
- fishwifewas added by serendoxity and appears on 28 lists
- skinnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- cobblerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 39 lists
- shearmanwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- lorimerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- limnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 11 lists
- furnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- pinderwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- apparitorwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- fullerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 20 lists
- alchemistwas added by serendoxity and appears on 42 lists
- bowyerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 23 lists
- sonneteerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- spaewifewas added by serendoxity and appears on 14 lists
- vignettistwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- chronographerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- roustaboutwas added by serendoxity and appears on 50 lists
- lemanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 35 lists
- burgomasterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- purserwas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- cullionwas added by serendoxity and appears on 19 lists
- boatswainwas added by serendoxity and appears on 45 lists
- rozzerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- publicanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 22 lists
- prexywas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- musketeerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- flenserwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- jarveywas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- fletcherwas added by serendoxity and appears on 19 lists
- jongleurwas added by serendoxity and appears on 28 lists
- mercerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 23 lists
- privateerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 33 lists
- saddlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- scriblerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- turnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- ledeverwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- spurrerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- vulcanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 21 lists
- taskerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- draperwas added by serendoxity and appears on 15 lists
- hatchelerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- victualerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- tipstaffwas added by serendoxity and appears on 17 lists
- wheelwrightwas added by serendoxity and appears on 17 lists
- wagonerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- traverswas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- jaggerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- kempsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- pigmanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- vinerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- whitewingwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- slaterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- puddlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- tidewaiterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- tuckerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 15 lists
- faulknerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- higglerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- haywardwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- keelerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- tinkerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 60 lists
- squirewas added by serendoxity and appears on 58 lists
- thatcherwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- pagewas added by serendoxity and appears on 46 lists
- tapleywas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- droverwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- tannerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 21 lists
- ackermanwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- chaisemakerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- holsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 30 lists
- lardnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- slopsellerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- teamsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 14 lists
- snobscatwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- shrievewas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- wainwrightwas added by serendoxity and appears on 22 lists
- eremitewas added by serendoxity and appears on 42 lists
- roperwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- spinsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 44 lists
- websterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- scrutinerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- gaolerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- dresserwas added by serendoxity and appears on 15 lists
- dockerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- costermongerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 52 lists
- hillierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- journeymanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 38 lists
- perukerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- lermerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- cohenwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- clickerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 6 lists
- hackerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 24 lists
- pettifoggerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 67 lists
- quarrierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- scrivenerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 44 lists
- sawboneswas added by serendoxity and appears on 14 lists
- pilgrimwas added by serendoxity and appears on 37 lists
- muleskinnerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- brazierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 47 lists
- chiffonnierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- haymongerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- wharfingerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 18 lists
- schumakerwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- hooperwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- hookerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 17 lists
- longshoremanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- maltsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- mendicantwas added by serendoxity and appears on 159 lists
- anchoritewas added by serendoxity and appears on 60 lists
- lavenderwas added by serendoxity and appears on 119 lists
- fishmongerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 38 lists
- whitesmithwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- porterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 32 lists
- peregrinatorwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- mintmasterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- bonifacewas added by serendoxity and appears on 10 lists
- artificerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 28 lists
- almonerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 21 lists
- pardonerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 4 lists
- malenderwas added by serendoxity and appears on 2 lists
- swineherdwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- neatherderwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- baxterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- draymanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- fellmongerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 12 lists
- stevedorewas added by serendoxity and appears on 66 lists
- joinerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- dowserwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- farrierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 30 lists
- clarkwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- sawyerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- riggerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- leechwas added by serendoxity and appears on 44 lists
- bluestockingwas added by serendoxity and appears on 65 lists
- accomptantwas added by serendoxity and appears on just this list
- manciplewas added by serendoxity and appears on 18 lists
- whitsterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 3 lists
- wrightwas added by serendoxity and appears on 21 lists
- millinerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 44 lists
- haberdasherwas added by serendoxity and appears on 55 lists
- taylorwas added by serendoxity and appears on 9 lists
- brewerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 8 lists
- dyerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 7 lists
- glazierwas added by serendoxity and appears on 17 lists
- cooperwas added by serendoxity and appears on 26 lists
- cordwainerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 17 lists
- masonwas added by serendoxity and appears on 32 lists
- slaverwas added by serendoxity and appears on 29 lists
- chapmanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 15 lists
- carterwas added by serendoxity and appears on 13 lists
- ostlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 37 lists
- chandlerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 28 lists
- summonerwas added by serendoxity and appears on 5 lists
- yeomanwas added by serendoxity and appears on 60 lists
trilby commented on the list archaic-occupations
Why do you list "faulkner" as a profession but provide a link to a definition that only says it is the name of an author? So what does a faulkner do besides write dreadful novels?
May 24, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list archaic-occupations
Hi, trilby. Check out the comment I just made over on the word faulkner.
May 24, 2010
madmouth commented on the list archaic-occupations
I wouldn't call them dreadful, just...not very fun to read (though authorities assure me there's a very good reason for that?)
May 24, 2010
serendoxity commented on the list archaic-occupations
It's the only definition wordnik provided... but I'm relatively new here, is there something I'm missing? And as for the comment 'a' left: am I responsible for the definitions? Hm, looks like I need to read the wordnik manual... *wanders off in confusion*
May 25, 2010
hernesheir commented on the list archaic-occupations
You might peruse the list Occupational Surnames.
May 25, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list archaic-occupations
All is well, serendoxity. It's wonderful when folks add definitions and quotations and citations and comments and jokes to individual words, but I don't think there are any specific rules in the wordnik manual other than "play nice," "assume that every possible list is an existing list," and "don't mention capitonyms too loudly around sionnach." You'll be great - welcome to Wordnik!
Edit: I could be wrong about those rules, of course - those are just the ones I've discovered as I've poked around here over the past few months.
May 25, 2010
sionnach commented on the list archaic-occupations
Yes, indeed. Every possible list is an existing list
June 2, 2010