dontcry has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 51 lists, listed 2626 words, written 4298 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 94 words.
Comments for dontcry
Facebook is so dull without you. :-)
can't. work. wordienik.
I miss you.
You cannot escape the charge that you have previously engaged in the amazing pastime that is IDENTIFY THE WORDIE.
You are therefore prime target material for inviting to IDENTIFY THE WORDIENIK.
The whole of the bit of Wordnik that joins in on this would be truly honoured should you participate this time round.
Easily find the right page right now because it is currently the most commented on list shown on the Community page.
God bless mother Wordnik!
HALLELUJAH! Go out and get yourself absolutely soaked in bilbies.
I just saw bilby raining down, too.
I saw it! I saw me! I also saw ruzuzu!
Pro - Aaaaack! And *hork*
Dontcry, please don't use explorer. It's unsafe and made out of seal puppies. Try Chrome!
Nu - uh... Seriously?
Wow. One of the rainbars had "dontcry" written on it.
my browser is explorer
Oh no, that's not good.
Could you let us know what browser/operating system you're using, so we can test it?
Um, when I tried to sign in today - wordnik didn't remember me. Then, when I logged in manually, it froze up - twice. This is not happiness to see me... Me.
Community?? I guess I've been gone a while...
Thanks, r! I love "settle down time!" It's a ritual, like afternoon tea, that separates us from the *other* beasts.
I was reading your comments about insomnia the other night. They were insightful--especially the bit about "settle down time." Thanks!
"dontcry has added 49 lists containing 2,491 words, 3,963 comments, 54 tags, 88 favorites, and 56 pronunciations."
Wow. Thanks rt and rz! I got an email about a month ago with that string of quotes in it... not sure why or from whom...
"Thy sire saw the light that shone" is Bret Harte ("On a Cone of the Big Trees"). I think ruzuzu's right about Ferlinghetti, but just the "and the sun paints white houses" part. (The full line is "And then the halcyon late mornings/after the fog burns off/and the sun paints white houses/with the sea.")
In William Blake's "The Mental Traveller" you'll find the phrase "By various arts of love and hate." I've not seen all three phrases together, though.
That "sun paints white houses" part reminds me of Lawrence Ferlinghetti... but I'm not sure. Good luck!
"and the sun paints white houses by various arts of love and hate, thy sire saw the light that shone" - anybody recognize this??
r - well, that is a good place to start, isn't it?! Thanks! I hope to begin pronunciating my way through it --and more-- very soon. I just need a plan for capturing a few quiet moments each morning to myself...
I'd love to hear pronuncicatings from this list.
Are you taking requests?
Needs to make a list of words to pronunciate.
Really needs to catch up on pronunciating....
Needs to catch breath first...
*pants some more*
*stops panting for a sec*
Pants?? We don't need no stinking pants!
*continues to pant*
I was wondering too. Where's the pants list?
Okay, I see the paper 'gown' list and the list of excuses... but where are the pants?
r - that suggestion is teh alsome *runs off to make another list* *pants*
The comments on penelopize make me wonder whether you once had a list of excuses. I'm in the market for a few... any suggestions?
Is skip still around??
*looks about frantically in the manner of one trying to find something that has been long lost and missed*
*wah* Couldn't view skip's profile.... *feels ordinary*
oh no!! so sorry for your loss, dontcry! I'm with Pro--I hope one day your memories of him outshine your sense of loss. Even though words are not much help right now... :(
*feels so much love*
dontcry hurts so gangerh hurts a bit too - my condolences, 'cry
dontcry - I'm so sorry about your brother.
I'll be thinking of you.
Glad you enjoyed the banana page.
A big hug from California.
*blows kisses in luff bubbles*
I'm sorry. :'(
*blows kisses back*
so sorry, dontcry
Very sweet, Pro. "What a stupid world."
There is probably nothing that I can say to be of any support.
But I thought I would share this phrase I read once*:
"I'm crying because out there he's gone, but he's not gone inside me."
I think this is also the reason why you will, one day, be able to stop crying: he will never be gone inside you.
*It's a comic strip, although not a funny one. You can read it here if you want.
Oh dontcry, I'm so very sorry.
Glad you got a brief respite. You're in my thoughts.
wordies: I needed a break from grieving after having lost my brother last week. I came to wordnik, clicked on 'never put your bananas in the refrigerator' and got just what I needed. Thank you. You are just what I needed. Carry on. I'll be back. *blows kisses*
What's wrong? Are you ok??
Here's an underscored hug to help you feel better: *h_u_g*
No... :(
Comments by dontcry
dontcry commented on the word part-time urine monitor
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Nom, nom.
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
What fun! Can't wait to play! When do we start?
*clenches in anticipation*
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the user chained_bear
you rained on me today
April 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word sayheycation
I've got baseball on my mind...
April 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word the argyle cold weather stabilization process
I've always thought socks superior to shoes in the traction department. A walk across the kitchen floor in your socks when someone has just opened an ice cube tray is exhibit one.
March 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word debutante
March 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word horse-chestnut
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word chaff
Very Maslowian.
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word perigee-syzygy
Where wolf?
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the list bring--brang--brung
*snirt,* *snart,* *snort*
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the user frindley
Yes. And according to ruzuzu, below, you need to get busy on your pronunciating...
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list broadcastic
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list things-weve-seen-moved-by-ants
I hate when my pants talk. They always tell on me.
March 10, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Fat Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday.
March 10, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
I'm sticking with ruzuzu classic. With a side of umbrage.
March 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Fat Tuesday
Yes. It's the day before Lent begins, so you use up your indulgent pantry items (sugar, butter, lard, honey, etc.) most often used in baked goods, to feast before the Lenten Season begins.
March 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the word This account either doesn't exist or isn't public.
I love the frog....
March 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I saw it! I saw me! I also saw ruzuzu!
Pro - Aaaaack! And *hork*
March 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word professor von schmartzenpanz
*is alarmingly silent*
March 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Nu - uh... Seriously?
March 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
my browser is explorer
March 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Um, when I tried to sign in today - wordnik didn't remember me. Then, when I logged in manually, it froze up - twice. This is not happiness to see me... Me.
March 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word dolor
This word often appears in my "greeked" type for layouts.
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pancake day
Mmmmm! Pancakey!
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word till
So, is until what I do to my garden after the harvest?
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word brang
Bring, brang, brung.
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the list four-weeks--28-breakfasts
Eggs and rice bread toast.
February 27, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Your presence here outrages the god you seek. Go back, matricide! The number 73 marks the hour of your downfall!
OR: "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you nee-eed."
-The Rolling Stones
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word teachable moment
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word handsometer
I have a handsometer. It's called: my eyes.
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word five comments rule
You people slay me.
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word poophile
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
I KNOW! It's just rude without the chocolate!
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
That's not nice.
February 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bobbing for apples
I'm thinking about it.
February 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
She does indeed, in her chariot of empty hazelnut!
February 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
Love her.
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
Which queen?
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word stiver
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bobbing for apples
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel apple
*eyes apples on countertop with very un-apple-like intentions*
*measures sugar*
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word stiver
I would guess it refers the hot, heavy, gritty, moist, and otherwise unsavory area of a city.
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel apple
Yes, hard, red coating = candy apple;
soft brown coating = caramel apple
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
*fires off a shot*
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word biscotti
What possible purpose could the singular form of biscotti serve?
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Community
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word losing keys
*clears throat*
"To whom do we turn."
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
*adds a pinch of salt*
*spits it out*
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word plague-cake
Sneak, snack, snuck.
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word airplane breakfast
Why is the OJ lurking in the shadows? What is it hiding? Hmmmm?
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pandoro
AKA: Panettone sans raisins. ;-)
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word sleightgeist
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the list wordniks-who-proudly-contribute-worthless-stuff--a-lot-of-dumb-comments--and-useless-words-to-the-zeitgeist-page
Zeigeist...just more collateral damage I suppose...
*gives umbrage*
*takes it back...*
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Community?? I guess I've been gone a while...
February 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word funistrada
Reminds me of a dish I had in Tuscany many years ago: funghistrada - a nice baked dish of mushrooms, eggs and bread... Ahhh... the '70's.
February 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Wordnik
If I had an Oscar, I'd name it gnu. I would.
January 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Wordnik
I just washed my gnu and now I can't do a thing with it...
January 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word mallomanteau
I always think of George Carlin when I hear mallomar. *snort*
January 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the list walking-in-the-rain
Of course, I *horked* getting worms - and not worms after a rain. THEY are teh alsome! When I'm out just after a rain, I throw them back into the yard. I wish they had more self-control...
January 12, 2011
dontcry commented on the list hork
January 12, 2011
dontcry commented on the list walking-in-the-rain
January 12, 2011
dontcry commented on the list florida-keys-list
December 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word i did the alley cat at my wedding
I'll show you, bilby, just as soon as I can figure out how to get it from a videotape to the computer! It's a site to behold, me holding up my wedding gown to make the Alley Cat steps! It's an early line dance.
December 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the list are-you-from-pennsylvania
Correction, ruzuzu: It's "Yinz better watch aht." ;-).
I heard that Santy Claus was jus' spawted on a saous-side.
December 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
I like fufluns in the drizzly wintertime most of all"
December 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word borange
I just learned two new definitions of this *word*
1. A syn. for bad
2. The color some *most* people achieve when using a spray-on tanner. They think they are brown, but they are, in fact, orange = borange.
Thanks Urban Dictionary!
December 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
I like fufluns in the fall...
December 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
I like fufluns in the springtime....
December 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
Okay. How about: fufluns help reduce belly fat. Huh?
December 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word The Music Man
December 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hard freeze
Awww. Think of them as sleeping after a long season's work. They'll be back come spring; perky, green and ready to listen.
December 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word truck nutz
Yes, lucky you, yarb...
December 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ointment
*fetches far-flung fuflun fragments for future feasts*
December 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word book-number
I've worked in many a library - but never for one... I've slept in a few as well ;-)
December 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word book-number
Luckyyyyyyyyyyyyy! *turns green*
December 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word napsicle
Ha! This reminds me of what popped into my head the first time I heard those refreshing little moist towlettes referred to as "wet naps."
December 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word book-number
Define "worked."
December 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fascinating
intriguing, thrilling, stimulating, exciting, gratifying, timeless, lucrative (?), Darwinian, outdoorsy...
November 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word igneus
Purdy! Why do I want to eat that bloom? It kind of looks like a zucchini blossom and it's begging me to batter and fry it! Somebody stop me...
November 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word air sitar
November 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word insomnia
*prays for Pro's mind to rest*
November 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Battle of Pilot Knob
I have the t-shirt.
November 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word see something say something
As authoritative gusts of wind command my porch flag to alternating positions of attention and ease, it responds with a dutiful "pop, pop, crack - pop, pop, crack."
November 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word TSA
Can't see London.
Can't see France.
'Till we see your underpants.
November 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the mummy of all my befarted body
November 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the mummy of all my befarted body
Found this under usage examples for wind-colic.
November 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I'm from Missouri
Just spent a week in MO. To say that the term "rural Missouri" is rudundant would be a gross understatement.
November 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
November 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word One stone skunk being helped to overcome bacon butty addiction
November 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
I finally figured out how to ██████ and now I can't stop ███. This morning, Mr dontcry told me to ██████ or he'd ██████ and then I'd really know a day...
██████. I think he's still sore about the ██████ incident.
November 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
November 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word knowing you should be frightened about your wordie addiction, but you're not
November 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
*how are they doing thaaaaaat?*
November 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word The Musical Courier on rimsky-korsakov
November 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the user Des
November 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word swai
How to pronounce, please....?
October 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the list song-starters
Pro, on YSV effect - Are you kidding? I haven't been able to properly enunciate Saratoga for decades!
October 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word don't you
I do.
October 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word here there and everywhere
It's a Beatles tune, no? Or maybe just John.
October 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ether day
Chocolate and ether? Sounds like a delightful way to spend a rainy day...
October 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word If it wasn't for schadenfreude, I wouldn't have any freude at all!
Bah, ha, ha, ha!
October 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sanctimommy
Stop it, everybody.
October 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sanctimommy
We all, all of us mommies, are victims of sanctimommyous messages on a daily, if not an hourly, basis through the media. Stop it, media.
October 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sanctimommy
"a mother who points out perceived faults in the parenting of others" - Merriam-Webster Online
"Sanctimommies of the world, rejoice! You have a new spokesperson, and even though she is a super model, she's just like you: obnoxious, self-congratulatory and anxious to make all the other mommies feel bad." — Dr. Amy Tuteur,, Aug 6, 2010
October 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word remarkable link
Cry, Don't, HoCo, MD, 2010. This is hysterical. It's spot on, except for the lack of dozens of infuriating (to a designer)Tables and Figures. I've been doing layout for a quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal since about 2000. I can be reached at
October 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word colouring hipster dinosaurs
"Hipster Dinosaurs" Ha! Good one!
October 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cake eater
Where I come from, a cake eater is an affluent person (or any person from a previously affulent family, regardless of current social standing) of European (probably not eastern European, however) background. Also sometimes referred to as a WASP. My mother's side of the family always referred to my father's side of the family as cake eaters. Maybe that makes me a cupcake eater...
October 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word picking up black walnuts
We have a few black walnut trees on our property. If you've ever harvested them, you'll understand why, now, we leave them for the various fauna that frequent the area. They are quite valuable and I've tried to convince my children to make a little business of selling them - to no avail. They just don't want to work that hard for a bit of nutmeat. Can't say that I blame them. Maybe one day...
October 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word thot plickens
Could pass for a "Yogi-ism."
October 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word a passionate word that starts with n
Noodles. Very long, thin, flat, broad ones. Like pappardelle, for instance. The George Clooney of noodles.
October 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Asian women White men Asian women date date Asian women interracial date interracial date services,interracial date sites,interracial personals, Black White date Black and White date
October 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lego
Le'go o' my Lego!
October 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word spotlight effect
Seems to me that spotlight 'syndrome' might be a better term.
October 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user raven_in_the_woods
October 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word a good day to be a wombat... but not a bilby
I'll toss in some phony umbrage for the cause.
September 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word buynetics
*wipes a tear*
September 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word literacy month
September 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list english-loanwords-in-italian--with-pronunciation
September 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the user reesetee
RT - I'm sorry... I know something about that. I hope things are looking up...
September 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word haaaaaggis
September 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Vegetarian Haggis
But, but, how is that *in super whining voice* haaaaaggis?
September 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Vegetarian Haggis
As seen here:
September 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word had no more brains than so many beetles
Smacks of Kafka...
September 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word coold
September 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the list syllabic-syrups-of-stupendous-singularity
Sounds like a possible schadenfracas is in the offing.
September 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Thanks, r! I love "settle down time!" It's a ritual, like afternoon tea, that separates us from the *other* beasts.
September 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word coold
September 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word coold
September 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word coffee trash only
This was on a sign taped to a trash bin at the hospital cafeteria near the condiment table. Not sure why creamer containers, sugar packets, and stir sticks have to be segregated from mustard, ketchup, and relish packets...
September 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word barf
September 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Halloumi
On "Warm halloumi with radish, apple & pecan salad." I'm totally making that -- as soon as I can score some halloumi. Help!
September 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Halloumi
How is it I've never heard of this cheese?! *must.have.some*
September 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word chunking
When using the interpreter, the primary healthcare provider should speak in short phrases in order to allow for accurate translations. This procedure is called chunking.
- Greenstone,IJEMH, 12-2
September 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ◢◥◛◓◀ ÅØá·þ%⒯ⓘ⇍↸⇂⇩∗∧∰≏∸▨╛┡﹄⋛⊌⊉†̨̪̂ˌʣˠ˝ʼ˦˧̬̟̥
Crap. I was going to and an 's' for a triple word score...
September 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word llama llist
I ssecond.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user misterman88
Mister SPAM man...
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I am bereft of bravado... but not avocado dip
No pronnie?? Aaaaaack! Our resident slack bastard needs to get on this - straight away!
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hi
Shellfish? Go for it. With butter.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jet-bugled
Yeah, you don't want to go there...
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bread and butter gift
Oh, they're good alright. They pack more of a bread and buttery punch than the store-boughten kind.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jet-bugled
Done. No, the h is never capitalized in hork, (except in extreme cases when the entire word is capitalized).
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bread and butter gift
Absolutely! Funny you should ask - I just opened the last jar of bread and butter pickles I put up last summer.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bread and butter gift
This is a gift you send/bring to a home you visited for an overnight stay. It's meant to repay the host for the bread and butter money they spent putting you up.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tyrosinase
You said it, not me.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hi
Vegetarians do not eat goats. That is correct. But just because we don't eat the flesh of beasts doesn't mean we don't have a beastly good sense of humor! Let the chicken (and goat, pig, and cow) jokes commence! Just take it easy on the deer, will ya? And rabbits, dogs, and horses (except for 'long face' jokes -- they slay me). You can go crazy on cats if you want. Fish? Meh.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word moister
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jet-bugled
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word The Moister Rater
Any relation to The Fresh Maker?
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tyrosinase
This sounds like the love child of Tyrone Power and Gary Sinise. Just saying.
September 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word sionnach's law of buttered cats
Holds cat, buttered side up...
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jet-bugled
This is a fantastic word - but what can it mean??
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hi
I'm a vegetarian...
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hi
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lobsters
Some of my best meals were lobsters.
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the list monosyllabic-words-i-can-t-find-rhymes-for
*says melk too*
September 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hi
September 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word food pellet
*press, press, press, press*
September 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Happy New Year!
August 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word elephant
One bite at a time.
August 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word elephant
Do you know how to eat an elephant?
August 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
August 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the list laundry-list
How about, sort, delicates, whites, darks, prewash, spin, agitate, cycle, wash, dry, fold, handwash, static cling, fabric softener, rinse, spin, fluff... *whew*
August 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Merry Christmas!
August 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word elephant
August 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
Pro - I'm fluente.
August 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
August 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pony expresso coffee
August 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word *snorte*
I speake Ultra English.
August 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Perú
Did somebody say egg pasta?
August 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Ultra English
August 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cosmodog
August 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
August 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list self-portrait-with-seven-fingers
My husband and children are constantly creating homages to Dali around the house - although they don't even realize it. I often come home to "Persistence of Afghan, Gym Sock, and Newspaper." Even the dog gets into the act sometimes by laying half on and half off of her bed, with her head flopped over the back of it. Problem is, I'm not a fan of this particular form of performance art...
August 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list names-of-fish-that-end-in-fish
August 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list names-of-fish-that-end-in-fish
Onefish? Twofish?
August 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word squaw
This reminds me of a joke my grandmother told me many, many moons ago (seriously). The punch line was: "No. Squaw bury shortcake."
August 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word muffinhood
The Fufluns Man?
August 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word muffinhood
Yes, I know the Muffin Man.
August 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peg o' my heart
That's a good one! ;-)
August 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Edward Boscawen
"Wry-necked Dick" - sounds like one of those interestingly-named British delicacies.
*wonders if you can get it on rye*
August 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word kaila
"Vegetable rice (food)" makes me wonder what 'vegetable rice (not food)' would be...
August 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word muffinhood
This is the muffinest page I ever sawr!
August 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word kaila
August 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word aliyyah
Maybe I should. Upon further reflection, it seems that the only part of my original comment that was posted was the part I put in quotation marks. But that didn't happen with my second comment.... Maybe I have angered the gods of aliyyah...
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word wrongest
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word aliyyah
Hmmm. My entire comment was not posted here. The quotation marks were left off the quote below as well as the author's name (Costain). In addition, my first sentence: "I can't find the definition for this word" and my last sentence: "I only find definitions for 'aliyah' which is not the meaning I'm looking for. I think this aliyyah must be some sort of tent or awning structure" were left off. What's up with that?
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word aliyyah
His eyes were wide with curiosity when he was led in under the elaborately carved aliyyah protruding out over the main entrance.
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word musattah
A camel litter/saddle.
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word wrongest
I'm not using it. Except to refer to this page, of course. Because, if loving this page is wrongest, I don't want to be rightester.
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the list one-person-s-holiday-is-another-s
Oh, crap. I just had pasta...and I'm both-handed... *wah*
August 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word wrongest
My niece tells me this is a word. She saw it in the "big dictionary" at school. I said that if something is wrong, it's wrong, period. There's no need for "wronger" or "wrongest." Was I wrong...?
August 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word DD
Ahhh. I like it better as a limerick!
August 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word DD
Isn't this missing a line?
August 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I'm a frayed knot
Oy'm a fried knot (down under version)
August 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fly
"Little fly
thy summer's play...."
July 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Wow. Thanks rt and rz! I got an email about a month ago with that string of quotes in it... not sure why or from whom...
July 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word horse pistol
Hospital, according to my Dad.
July 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pantograph
I had a pantograph, many, many years ago. I used it to enlarge clip art for various projects. After the personal computer and Illustrator, etc... came along, I sold it to a teacher at a yard sale. A very handy *little* device. Didn't Thos. Jefferson use one for making copies of documents?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sophie Tucker
Ernie - get off my back.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sophie Tucker got no tits and a tight box.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Baby Rose Marie
Didn't she grow up to play on the Dick Van Dyke Show? Always with the little barrett in the hair?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pseudophallic
*not biting*
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bear repeating
Thats' what I thought...
You am what you am...but sometimes, just bearly.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word boobook
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pseudoaphid
*wishes the aphids who winter-over in her house were pseudo...*
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bear repeating
Did you just double bear dare your own self, r?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word behind the at
Today, my Dad demonstrated his resolve to increase world literacy - even in his nearly comatose state - by answering the nurse's question: "Do you know where you're at?" with "Yes, behind the at." Taught him well by his Mum in Beaver, PA. God bless the both of them.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lambda
That's a big one...
July 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gaposis
I think it should be the diagnosis for a person wearing too much khaki and chambray.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word great big dogs fight animals
Used for remembering the notes G, B, D, F and A on the lines of the bass clef.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word per cagare occorre fare grandi stronzi
I got it - but to my way of seeing things, the pez candy is coming out of the character's neck -- and that always seemed more than a little creepy to me. Kind-a Dr. Phibes-y.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Medici
Ahhh. I didn't know that. He also uses 'medicean' a lot. Thanks!
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word per cagare occorre fare grandi stronzi
*wonders why there isn't a choice of English in the fun "translate to" feature...*
h - I had to read this several times to understand that you didn't mean that your corgi was biting into the neck of your pet rabbit. He wasn't...was he??
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word unslatternly
High praise...
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Candwich
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Medici
I'm reading a bio of Lorenzo De'Medici and am curious as to the practice (at least in this book) of spelling the name "Medici" regardelss if it's being used to describe one Medici, two or more Medici, and/or something belonging to the or a Medici. Anyone??
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tastevin
According to my very funny brother - sung to the tune "The First Cut is the Deepest:" "The first sip is the sweetest..."
July 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tastevin
Very interesting article. I think that if you are worried that a sommelier has drunk a bit of your very expensive wine, it's probably because you couldn't afford it in the first place... I've forwarded to my brother, a sommelier. I'm curious to hear his take on the subject.
July 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Candwich
July 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word agiotage
*wonders how this word is related to espionage?*
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word camp robber
That's funny, those also are *some* of the nicknames we gave my Uncle John....
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the user janejetson
Jaaane, his wife! *chopsticks-like tune*
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word BILLY MAYS MEMORIAL CAPS LOCK DAY
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the list usb-flash-thumb-memory-drive-key-disk-sticks
Stick it on a stick and drop it by my office. I say it all the time.
June 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Cheesemania
I thought I had a cheese list....and where are the crackers...?
June 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hi-you
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
"and the sun paints white houses by various arts of love and hate, thy sire saw the light that shone" - anybody recognize this??
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hi-you
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word oboyerite
I wonder if this is pronounced: Oh boy you're right!
June 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meyer lemon
But isn't the tartness the reason for using a lemon? I do like the 1/2 a cup of juice yield, however. *must find this much ad-meyer-ed lemon for a tasting*
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word longer than the embrace of two Great Gippsland earthworms on a face-licking holiday at Phillip Island
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Air NZ gets into bed with Virgin
That can't have been very satisfying.
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meyer lemon
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word longer than the embrace of two Great Gippsland earthworms on a face-licking holiday at Phillip Island
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word humbrella
I might need a bumbrella if my bottom gets any bigger.
June 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everything-i-hate-about-me
Awww. Pleth, when and if you you first employ yours as 'working boobs,' I have every confidence that you not only will perceive it as 'battle' you may even postulate about it, eloquently, of course, on wordnik! They don't call it "latching on" for nothing....
June 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everything-i-hate-about-me this list supposed to be about what I hate about YOU or ME? 'Cause, I don't even know YOU and I don't' hate anything about ME. Maybe I could list everything I hate about THIS LIST..? What I hate abut this list is that it is soooo negative. I have stretch marks and my ****'s aren't perky anymore either -- but I don't hate that about me. And neither should you (ya, know, about you -- or me either...). Make lemonade, eb...
June 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word nuclear
u - *snort*
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bruschetta
Can't wait to get into the office tomorow to do mine! I do a mean 'bruschetta!'
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the user camdrollins
Spiced Ham.
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the list how-i-met-your-mother--now-a-major-wordnik-list
I don't know how to!
June 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
Yes! I tried to comment on the Icelandic word for boobs hours ago but it got hung up (no pun intended) with that irritating circular dots thing...and I just gave up! *bobbingar* *snort*
June 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
Just discovered the "translate to" feature. There goes another day of productive work...
June 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
June 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
r - well, that is a good place to start, isn't it?! Thanks! I hope to begin pronunciating my way through it --and more-- very soon. I just need a plan for capturing a few quiet moments each morning to myself...
June 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word keep your butt out of the pot
Hmmm. Butts, heads, pot....donkeys???? I need to make more time for my wordie...
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word keep your butt out of the pot
Hmmm. Butts, heads, pot.... I need to make more time for my wordie...
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word CRUD
I agree, pro. It's awfully ugly and unclear. If you want a word to be recognized as an acronym -- and not a misspelled, madeupical or foreign word - you must use either all caps or periods after each letter.... no??
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Needs to make a list of words to pronunciate.
May 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jagg-off
*needs to pronunciate*
May 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
hee hee
May 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Really needs to catch up on pronunciating....
Needs to catch breath first...
May 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*pants some more*
*stops panting for a sec*
Pants?? We don't need no stinking pants!
*continues to pant*
May 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
May 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
*uses most irritating, whining voice*
Why, why, why can't I correct the typo on my last entry??? I can't deleeeeeeeeeeeet it and make it right! *stomps foot*
May 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word no estrogen, sorry
This needs pronunciating.
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
r - that suggestion is teh alsome *runs off to make another list* *pants*
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word every potential wordie list is an existing wordie list
I thought of a list as I was sitting in my doctor's office wearing a paper 'gown' today. Maybe I'll see if it exists... *runs off to make list*
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word whelve
Before plastic wrap and tin foil (and God knows, before fancy plastic containers made just for left-overs) my Grandmother would whelve a bowl over a plate of left-overs to keep them fresh in the fridge. Sometimes, so do I.
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user john
John's tag: *snort*
May 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Fritos
Munch, munch, munch a bunch of Friiiitoooos...corn chips!
May 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word marmite
*gasp* pleth! Where've you been???
May 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meth lab of democracy
He slays me!
April 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word stickering
snickering: to apply snickers. Apply directly into mouth for best results.
April 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word malophile
"Where the fuck are the mallomars?"
- George Carlin
April 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantrophobe
I keep the cilantro in the shower - where it belongs.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word take our survey
"Freak not"
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word mad props
Well, la-dee-dah.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantrophobe
Totally soap.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word mad props
There's a wordie blog....? Did I know this?
April 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantro
Totally soap.
April 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word banana boat
April 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word LBJ orders some pants
bilby - maybe he thought me might need to defend himself...
March 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
*applauds wildly*
March 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Winchester Mystery House
Yes. Mr dontcry used to tease me about my grandfather's ever sprawling "Winchester tool shed." Grandpa just kept on adding and adding to it. Unlike Mrs. Winchester, however, my Grandpa used mostly found materials for construction.
March 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*wah* Couldn't view skip's profile.... *feels ordinary*
March 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the list sportie-cricket
Underarm bowl...?
March 19, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fruit fly sperm
March 19, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pentagram
What about ta? Yes, no?
March 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
The back bumper of my Datsun "fell off" when I went to Europe for the summer and my brother drove my "dottie" while I was gone. That was the beginning of the end for old dottie.
March 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list entertainment
Horse feathers..?
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word snake
Or pagans ;-)
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the list first-car
1973 Datsun 710, red. Took it from Slippery Rock State College, PA to Key West, FL, laden with 5 co-eds, for spring break, 1978. Got a really bad sunburn. Learned how to pitch a tent, how to hustle pool, and how to live out of a car.
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
Okay. I guess I need to make a list. I'll try, but I might need some back-up...
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Button Cookies
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
1973 Datsun 710, red.
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Button Cookies
*really wants an example of Button Cookies*
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word courtesying
I think they are two different things.
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the list the-pogues
"Pretty sure it was a great show."
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
Interesting! Shouldn't the first word be a one-word sentence--for the decimal?
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
Ha! Yes, all pies were rounded off.
March 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
It was Pie Sunday (the second Sunday of each month) at my church today -- 3.14.10! Even I got that one!
March 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hottest-guys-names
George Clooney.
March 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*feels so much love*
March 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
wordies: I needed a break from grieving after having lost my brother last week. I came to wordnik, clicked on 'never put your bananas in the refrigerator' and got just what I needed. Thank you. You are just what I needed. Carry on. I'll be back. *blows kisses*
March 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
March 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word vajazzling
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word vajazzling
Personally, I find the porch light to be just perfect, thank you very much.
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user andrewchang22
"crocheted water bottles" ! Chapeau, bilby!
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user andrewchang22
Thanks for sharing, andrew. I am *involved* with mr dontcry, a manuscript I may or may not finish reading, a 2006 Shiraz, and half a turkey & Swiss on a nice whole grain roll.
Later I'll be involved with, again, mr dontcry, (goes without saying, really) my heavenly bed, a down quilt, the remote, and possibly a quick peek at my book club book.
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hats-off
Would "The Cone of Silence" count?
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mob
*puts out the good china*
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
But is it simpler than teaching dontcry how to change her browser settings? Hmmm?? *dons pointy cap - sits on stool*
On second thought, I could just wear my sunglasses. *undons pointy cap* *kicks stool to the curb* *dons sunglasses - looks cool*
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mob
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
The blue is a bit hard on the eyes -- especially early in the morning! Maybe tone done the brightness a hair??
March 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
My blues seem bluer and my pinks seem, well, pinker! Is it just moi?
March 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word uneccessary
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Moms
Oh, make me laugh! I'm here, bilby, just as busy as a porch swing on a hot summer's night...
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word blooperang
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word corinthian
Makes me think of soft leather car seats.
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word phpects
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the user bilby
*covers ears*
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-people-might-attempt-to-juggle
I used to be able to juggle three tennis balls. Now I can juggle my car keys, my agenda book, my umbrella, and my purse. *wah*
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
Baloney. That's a red herring.
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word missliebig
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word noel coward on peter o'toole
HAR! *sides hurt from laughing*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word birched
The green branch from any tree would make a fine switch in my day...
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the user frogapplause
*applauds* Did that help??
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the list new-esp-good
We be the woooord
We be madeupicaaaal
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word slalom
*note to self: always say it like this: sla-LOM*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word dontcry's tattoos
I struggled with that age-old question: to get a colon tat or semicolon tat? Who hasn't, right? I became so snarfled I just never decided. Of course, I knew exactly where to put the colon tat, but the semicolon...tough call.
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lock
*searches for key*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word snarfled a fargle
*makes a note to use this phrase daily*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
ru - the snowed-in-chocolate-candy-eating-wall-bouncing fest is on hold for lent... *wah* It's been replaced by a yoga-posing-step-aerobics-tennis-ball-bouncing fest. ;-)
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word murder
I suggest a "cacophony" of crows.
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word thank you humphrey you may retire
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iroquoisy
We should be seeing them soon...
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word semicolon
How is it I've missed this page all this time?
*gets a vonnegut tat*
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word delio
Since "You have yourself a deal" is a pretty standard phrase around these parts, I'd say that's what she was going for -- with a twist.
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peerage
Would "steerage" be: really horny??
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peerage
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*polishes finger cymbals*
*calls "shotgun"*
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*licks the walls*
*gets a papaya tat*
*thumbs to the Pole*
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list my-kitchen-cabinets
*adds a nice porch*
February 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets yoko tat*
February 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*rim shot*
February 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the user ftsophie
Trying to pronounce your 'name.' Is the "f" silent? ;-)
February 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
pu - anywhere you like!
February 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
I thought mollusque was a he, also. Miley should get a dontcry tat. They're all the rage.
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets styoo-pid tat*
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Me too -- but on the plus side, my comments are now back to automatically updating! No more F5-ing each time.
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Quixotic
Yes, we have no Quixotic.
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word quixotically
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the user chicabanda
Hoosier Daddy? *snort*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the user john
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Cappucinno(Brown with white)
*hands bilby a tissue*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*almost gets a solveig tat*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word phantom of heilbronn
Creepy. I used to live in Heilbronn...
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I'm pretty sure I told you not to, rt! Those wombats are dangerous! *is exasperated* *eats more chocolate* *becomes silly with chocolate glee*
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Having a ridiculously decadent chocolate-candy-eating fest on the snowed-in porch! *bounces off the walls*
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the list lost-for-word
I just call it a pointing finger dingbat.
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ultimate frisbee
We were playing it in college in the the snow.
February 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mount_weary
I'm on the Pooped Deck.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word TelePalmter
Yeah, 'cause that's totally different. *barf*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the list ria
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I thought I told you not to drive? *taps foot*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word larf
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word going Dutch
No, they go Flemish.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets reunion tour tat*
*sets up drums*
*passes out*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I may be crazy, but you may be right, bear.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the list palinisms
Larf? *snort*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fruitful ambiguity
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word English suntan
*gets bumper tat-ed*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word going Dutch
This is a first-rate phrase!
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word White Russian
A delicious beverage!
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word French letter
*whispers* a condom
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Philadelphia heartburn
AKA: a wedgie
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*finishes drum solo*
*sets drums on fire*
*gets a cupcake tat*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
Hitler was a vegetarian. Just saying. That's what I've heard.
February 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*breaks into frenzied drum solo*
February 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word a john simon compendium
*scared that john simon will find a photo of me...*
February 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word scaramouche
Is that the wind I hear??
February 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the list origin-unknown
Hee, hee!
February 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word yarbanas
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the user paulhamilton
Paul Spamilton
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everyones-a-critic
Would that be sionnach on wordnik? ;-)
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*runs off to get Ibsen tat*
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word william faulkner on ernest hemingway
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ernest hemingway on william faulkner
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
I relish a good game of five-card umbrage. Who's in?
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Pass the peanuts.
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
I'll take one umbrage, please.
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Fermi paradox
Maybe they fail to sense our life force.
Maybe they have and got our service.
Maaaaaaybe they're just not that into us...
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
Oooooh.... can I play the drums? My inner Tommy Lee has been dying to come out!!
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gavotte
She did, Pro. Didn't she, didn't she, didn't she?
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word foufou
Hey... this is our nickname for our dog, Founder! We found her, you know.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ned
Didn't they use the term "Teds" in England when the Beatles were coming of age? I think I remember that from the Lennon bio I read a while back.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word sweater cream
But what does it mean??
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Read 'em and weep. A royal umbrage.
*smirks and twirls invisible mustache*
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
My umbrage is hot.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Vegas takes umbrage???
Wha.... gimme ten on umbrage to win.
February 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bacteria
Maybe, "we are not amuse-ed." ?
February 3, 2010
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