A list of 479 words by samme.
- saivismwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- phillipianswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kochen-specker theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- disneylandwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- buddhistwas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- jesuitwas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- zwicky compact galaxywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- zerilli's equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- zel'dovich spectrumwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- zeeman effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- zanstra's theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- yang-mills theorieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wolf diagramwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wolf-lundmark-melotte systemwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- wilson-bappu effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wien's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wien's displacement lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- widmanstätten patternwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wesselink analysiswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- weinberg-salam modelwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- weber barwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- von zeipel's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- voigt profilewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- vogt-russell theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- vlaslov equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- van maanen's starwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- van der waals equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- van biesbroeck's starwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- van allen beltswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- umbrielwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- trojanswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- tritonwas added by samme and appears on 24 lists
- themiswas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- tethyswas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- taylor instabilitywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- sunyaev-zel'dovich effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- strömgren sphereswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- stephan's quintetwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- stefan's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- spitzer-oort hypothesiswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- shapley-ames cataloguewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- shane-wirtanen cataloguewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- seyfert galaxywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- scott effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- schwarzschild radiuswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- schrödinger equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- schmidt camerawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- sachs-wolfe effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- rydberg formulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- russell-vogt theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- russell-saunders couplingwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- runge-kutta methodwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- rossby numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- robertson-walker metricwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- riemannian geometrywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- richardson-lucy methodwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- schrödinger's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- regge-wheeler equationswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ramsauer effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- raman effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- prandtl numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- poynting-robertson effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- poseidonwas added by samme and appears on 18 lists
- castorwas added by samme and appears on 28 lists
- polluxwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- poincaré's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- platonic solidswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- pickering serieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- phoebewas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
- perseus clusterwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- penrose processwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- pauli exclusion principlewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- patrocluswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- paschen serieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- paschen-back effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- oppenheimer-volkoff limitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- oort's constantswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- oosterhoff groupswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- olber's paradoxwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- occam's razorwas added by samme and appears on 19 lists
- titaniawas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- oberonwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- nordtvedt effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- noether's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ney-allen nebulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- nernst theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- midas touchwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mirandawas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- mirawas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- minkowski metricwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- mimaswas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- messier cataloguewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- meissner effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- markovian processwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- maksutov telescopewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- maclaurin serieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lyman serieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lyot divisionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lowell's bandwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- loschmidt numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lorentz contractionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lommel-seeliger surfacewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- liouville's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lenz's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lense-thirring effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lennard-jones potentialwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lemaître universewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lane-emden equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- laplacian determinismwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- landé factorwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kuiper bandswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- krzeminski's starwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kruskal diagramwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kolmogorov-smirnov testwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- knudsen numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kleinmann-low nebulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- klein-nishina formulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- klein-gordon equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kirchhoff's lawswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- kirkwood gapswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- keplerian orbitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kennelly-heaviside layerwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kerr black holewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- keller-meyerott opacitywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kapteyn's starwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kaluza-klein theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- venuswas added by samme and appears on 26 lists
- mercurywas added by samme and appears on 66 lists
- marswas added by samme and appears on 26 lists
- neptunewas added by samme and appears on 18 lists
- saturnwas added by samme and appears on 19 lists
- jupiterwas added by samme and appears on 27 lists
- junowas added by samme and appears on 15 lists
- josephson effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- januswas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- jacobi ellipsoidwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- israel-robinson theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- icaruswas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- iapetuswas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- hyperionwas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
- hund's rulewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hulse-taylor pulsarwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hoyle-narlikar theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hirayama familieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- higgs physicswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hestiawas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- hess diagramwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hertzsprung gapwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hertzsprung-russell diagramwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- hermeticwas added by samme and appears on 138 lists
- herbig-haro objectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- herawas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- helmholtz contractionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hektorwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- heisenberg uncertainty principlewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hayashi trackwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hawking radiationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- harman-seaton sequencewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- harkins's rulewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hanning methodwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hamiltonian theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- green's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- gödel's theoremwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- gaussianwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- gegenscheinwas added by samme and appears on 36 lists
- gaunt factorwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ganymedewas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
- de vaucouleurs-sandage classificationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hubble's classificationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- froude numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- friedmann equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fresnel lenswas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- fraunhofer diffractionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fourier analysiswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- fossil strömgren spherewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- boltzmann equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fokker-planck equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- feynman diagramwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- fechner's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- feautrier's methodwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fanaroff-riley classificationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fabry-perot interferometerwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- faber-jackson relationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- euler numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- schmidt-cassegrainwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- eötvös experimentwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- encke's cometwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- geiger counterwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- eddington limitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- drell-yan annihilationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- doppler effectwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- debye-hückel modelwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- de broglie wavelengthwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- coster-kronig transitionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- dracowas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- compton wavelengthwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- clapeyron's equationwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- charles's lawwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- chapman-jouguet detonationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- chapman's equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- chandrasekhar-schönberg limitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- cassegrainwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- calabi-yau spacewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- breit-wigner equationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- brans-dicke theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bragg's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- boyle's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bosewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- born-oppenheimer approximationwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- birkhoff's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bianchi cosmologywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bethe-weizsäcker cyclewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- becklin-neugebauer objectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- barnard's loopwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- balmer formulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ballik-ramsay bandswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- baldwin effectwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- baldet-johnson bandswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- baily's beadswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bahcall-soneira modelwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- avogadro's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- angstromwas added by samme and appears on 32 lists
- alfven-klein cosmologywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- achilles heelwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- besselian yearwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bode's galazywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- de mairan's nebulawas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- leninismwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mohismwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- epicureanwas added by samme and appears on 91 lists
- ricardianwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- edwardianwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- thatcherismwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- malthusianwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- engel's lawwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- delorean theorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- cramer's rulewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bernoulli's hypothesiswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- laffer curvewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- kuznets curvewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- keynesian economicswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- boolean algebrawas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- voltwas added by samme and appears on 23 lists
- vickers hardness numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- rydbergwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- rockwell hardnesswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- richter scalewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- reynwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- rayleighwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- raylwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ponceletwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- planckwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- ohmwas added by samme and appears on 30 lists
- oerstedwas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- neperwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- nebuchadnezzarwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- moogwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- mohs hardness scalewas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mickeywas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
- methuselahwas added by samme and appears on 18 lists
- mercalli intensity scalewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- mark twainwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- machwas added by samme and appears on 12 lists
- julian daywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- joneswas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- janskywas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- hertzwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- hefner candlewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- gutenbergwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- gausswas added by samme and appears on 12 lists
- erlangwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- eotvos unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- engler degreewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- dobson unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree thernerwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree soxhlet-henkelwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree reaumurwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree rankinewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree quevennewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree platowas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree oechslewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree macmichaelwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- degree lovibondwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- degree gay-lussacwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- decipascal secondwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- debyewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- darwinwas added by samme and appears on 15 lists
- darcywas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- danjon scalewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- daltonwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- cicerowas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- centinewtonwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- centimorganwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- carnegie unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- brinell hardnesswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- bohr radiuswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bohrwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- benzwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- becquerelwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- beaufort scalewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- baudwas added by samme and appears on 14 lists
- siegbahn unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- shannonwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- scoville unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- saybolt universal secondwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- savartwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- saffir-simpson categorywas added by samme and appears on just this list
- sabinwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- sverdrupwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- svedbergwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- strong-cobb unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- snellen fractionwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- sievertwas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- henrywas added by samme and appears on 19 lists
- siemenswas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- fujita-pearson scalewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- finsen unitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- fermiwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- faradaywas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- faradwas added by samme and appears on 14 lists
- mendenhall orderwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- kelvinwas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- maxwellwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- weberwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- lambertwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- kayserwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- gilbertwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- teslawas added by samme and appears on 15 lists
- galileowas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- pascalwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- fermat's theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- taniyama-shimurawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- peter pan syndromewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- curiewas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- coulombwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- newtonwas added by samme and appears on 17 lists
- joulewas added by samme and appears on 14 lists
- confucianwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- mpemba effectwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- brahmanwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- ishikawa diagramwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- faà di bruno's formulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lagrange inversion theoremwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- taylor serieswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- lambert w functionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- pochhammer symbolwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- dobinski's formulawas added by samme and appears on just this list
- stirling numberwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- bell numberswas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hilbert spacewas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- toeplitz matrixwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- hankel matrixwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- norlund-rice integralwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- borel transformwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- euler transformwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- psychewas added by samme and appears on 67 lists
- roche limitwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- huygens gapwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- encke divisionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- cassini divisionwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- mason-dixon linewas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mason jarwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- kilowattswas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- wattwas added by samme and appears on 22 lists
- krebs cyclewas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- pasteurizewas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- pasteurizationwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- magellanicwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- hegelianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- rabelaisianwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- alexandrinewas added by samme and appears on 18 lists
- augustwas added by samme and appears on 147 lists
- lupercaliawas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- virgilianwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- spartacistwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- priscianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- camelotwas added by samme and appears on 14 lists
- vulcanizewas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- pyrrhicwas added by samme and appears on 132 lists
- palladianwas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- romanwas added by samme and appears on 17 lists
- athenianwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- berkeliumwas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- seaborgiumwas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- meitneriumwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- lawrenciumwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- rutherfordiumwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- bohriumwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- roentgeniumwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- nobeliumwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- mendeleviumwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- fermiumwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- einsteiniumwas added by samme and appears on 12 lists
- herculeanwas added by samme and appears on 34 lists
- messierwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- halley's cometwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- celsiuswas added by samme and appears on 12 lists
- ptolemaicwas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- euclidianwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- victorianwas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- einsteinianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- shatneresquewas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- homericwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- benedictinewas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- orwellianwas added by samme and appears on 28 lists
- gordian knotwas added by samme and appears on 14 lists
- olympianwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- dionysianwas added by samme and appears on 42 lists
- darwinianwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- washingtonianwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- lesbianwas added by samme and appears on 37 lists
- daguerrotypewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- sadistwas added by samme and appears on 24 lists
- narcissisticwas added by samme and appears on 61 lists
- narcissismwas added by samme and appears on 46 lists
- platonicwas added by samme and appears on 64 lists
- hippocraticwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- aristotelianwas added by samme and appears on 18 lists
- socraticwas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
- georgianwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- sissypheanwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- pavlovianwas added by samme and appears on 13 lists
- paretowas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- jacobianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- faustianwas added by samme and appears on 33 lists
- galileanwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- copernicanwas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- saturnianwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- uranianwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mercurialwas added by samme and appears on 387 lists
- venusianwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- machiavellianwas added by samme and appears on 75 lists
- newtonianwas added by samme and appears on 8 lists
- valentinewas added by samme and appears on 44 lists
- christmaswas added by samme and appears on 37 lists
- franciscanwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- gregorianwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- billywas added by samme and appears on 25 lists
- philippineswas added by samme and appears on 4 lists
- alexandrianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- hellenisticwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- hellenicwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- kantianwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- pythagoreanwas added by samme and appears on 10 lists
- napoleonicwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- jimmywas added by samme and appears on 25 lists
- hannibalwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- caesarianwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- mesmerwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- marianwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- arthurianwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- maoistwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- marxistwas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- quixoticwas added by samme and appears on 554 lists
- casanovawas added by samme and appears on 23 lists
- walter mittywas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- lou gehrig's diseasewas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- titanicwas added by samme and appears on 37 lists
- jane doewas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- john doewas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- gargantuanwas added by samme and appears on 115 lists
- draconianwas added by samme and appears on 184 lists
- mohammedanwas added by samme and appears on 3 lists
- lutheranwas added by samme and appears on 6 lists
- bushismwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- reaganomicswas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- churchillianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- chekovianwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- shakespearianwas added by samme and appears on 2 lists
- charlemagnewas added by samme and appears on 7 lists
- elizabethanwas added by samme and appears on 9 lists
- freudianwas added by samme and appears on 16 lists
- jungianwas added by samme and appears on 12 lists
- faulknerianwas added by samme and appears on 5 lists
- kafkaesquewas added by samme and appears on 53 lists
- ghandianwas added by samme and appears on just this list
- daliesquewas added by samme and appears on just this list
- wagnerianwas added by samme and appears on 11 lists
- dickensianwas added by samme and appears on 20 lists
uselessness commented on the list names-of-people-animals-real-fiction-that-became-words
orwellian? einsteinian? shatneresque? frankensteinian? homeric? Great list, BTW.
December 13, 2006
uselessness commented on the list names-of-people-animals-real-fiction-that-became-words
In the theme of names becoming units of measurement:
joule? newton? coulomb?
December 15, 2006
samme commented on the list names-of-people-animals-real-fiction-that-became-words
thank you http://wordie.org/people/uselessness for your usefulness : )
December 16, 2006
zuccaciyecioglu commented on the list names-of-people-animals-real-fiction-that-became-words
Can we just call them eponyms? We're among friends.
September 26, 2008