A list of 622 words by squareintheteeth.
- firmamentwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 123 lists
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- storiedwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 10 lists
- redolentwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 239 lists
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- thermoclinewas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 12 lists
- interfacewas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 37 lists
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- bucolicwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 265 lists
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- peregrinationwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 130 lists
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- gauzewas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 42 lists
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- eidyllionwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on just this list
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- tresseswas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 19 lists
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- horologionwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on just this list
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- bedouinwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 16 lists
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- verbotenwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 72 lists
- shibbolethwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 224 lists
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- millinerwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 44 lists
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- meridianwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 43 lists
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- codexwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 54 lists
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- laudanumwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 84 lists
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- alabasterwas added by squareintheteeth and appears on 147 lists
tamf commented on the list words-found-to-be-generally-pleasing
i am pleased.
April 15, 2009