A list of 2098 words by gulyasrobi.
- false cognatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- adequate facial expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adequate volumewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- problem solving skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pace of speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- protocolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 68 lists
- adequate body languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethical aspectswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- process managementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unexpected situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- length of section that an interpreter can retainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unfamiliar termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paralinguistic elementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- imitate the emotive aspect of speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transparencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- maintains the registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- poisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 66 lists
- pitch speaking voice appropriatelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hesitationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- put the interpreter's range of register to the testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- range of registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maintain a high registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- the complexities of the interpreting processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preserve the structure of the originalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preserve the registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpret out loudwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentration levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpret mentallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- increase the time lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- increase the concentration levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- one-time errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- massive concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentrate massivelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultivate split attentionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-monitoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maintain a staedy time lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- catch up in pauseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self monitoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cueingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- listen for chunks of meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- work on one's skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- judiciary interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- testimonywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- standards of practicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- court interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional responsibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skill areawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter’s code of professional responsibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- side conversationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ask the speaker for clarificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting assessmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-assignment researchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- administrative hearingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accept an assignmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- privileged communicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- challenging accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pause the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- situation requiring particular skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emotional strainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time pressurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- flow of communicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- use a clear speaking voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speaking voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identify an interpreting errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- audiovisual resourceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- job readinesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- role boundarieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional developmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- advocacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- respectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 50 lists
- impartialitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- cultural awarenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professionalismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- interpreter positioningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- receive helpful feedbackwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discourse between cultureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- handle a situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- give helpful feedbackwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discourse stylewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-purpose discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impede the understandingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- work into the target languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convert the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grasp the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conservation of registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conservation of paralinguistic featureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lexical errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grammatical errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- conceptual errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error analysis exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overall accuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- appropriate for the role of the interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mini glossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalent translationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreted sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidential informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maintain eye contact with the audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jot down figures and nameswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-directed growthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- make an errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intralingual exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- revisit a tricky termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tricky termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- articulatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 162 lists
- huit closwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- cultural markerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- term extractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- EMCIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communication breakdownwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting settingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter education programwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- OPIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- original messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error patternswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- social services vocabularywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lab exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- instructors trained in conference interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monolingual dictionarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- code of ethicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- community interviewwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lab instructorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional standards of practicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mp3 recorderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- visualization and memory exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultural mediatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generic interpreting coursewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- make-up examwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- think criticallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- target audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- interpreter trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high level of proficiency inwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identify the target audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predict content and vocabularywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingual dictionarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recording devicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skill development planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glossary creationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specific interpreting skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethical dilemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter trainerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 47 lists
- preparationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- lab assignmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shadow a working interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- collaborationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- bicultural competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accurate interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- role of the interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- memory techniqueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- memory skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- message analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- digital camerawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- listen for accuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dictation machinewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- portable audio recorderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-bookwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- linguistic competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lead instructorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- practice interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- accurate interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting workwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- social service interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- satisfactory working conditionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simulated situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- video recording equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unforeseen communication breakdownwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oral proficiency interview (OPI)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex cognitive taskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weaker languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- idiomatic phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skills developmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- categories of interpreter errorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tape recorderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- spoken language interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional communication skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- videotape student performanceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- student performancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingual competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- constitute an accurate interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- social services settingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feedback from instructorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rigorous certification processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classroom with built-in recording capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- journal-keepingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grade for accuracy and fluencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethical decision-makingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- role playwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- visualization and memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete an interpreter education programwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- become proficient in interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- processes and skills required for interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultural issues for interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingual exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preparation toolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AIICwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- add a new languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- yellwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- convey the meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unusual wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unusual expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wifi in the boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comradeshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- volumewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 42 lists
- trainer of interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recruitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- segmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- reliabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- loss of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- spokenwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- calmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 84 lists
- functional analoguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quotationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 47 lists
- slideshowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- syntaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 124 lists
- code-switchingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- self-correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aspirationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- effortwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- tone controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subject matterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- text analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fitnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- ear-drumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- traineewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 49 lists
- listening exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- text miningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- ambiguitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 69 lists
- half-daywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- skillwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- language skillwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transferwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- inexactitudewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- channelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 41 lists
- listeningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- contractwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- very good command of the languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- earphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- monotonous tonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biactivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- reliablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- known wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 74 lists
- topicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- regimewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- web streamingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- animationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- rephrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- unnecessary repetitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- colloquialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 142 lists
- presencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- conference roomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 59 lists
- tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- unnecessary rephrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- total masterywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- questionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 58 lists
- tablet computerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- understatementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- alertnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- new languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monotonouswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- language combinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- tonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 57 lists
- ad personamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- faithfulwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- take noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- staff memberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- disambiguatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- scriptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 45 lists
- chunkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- understandingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- numbers and nameswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recordingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- elaborate expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plausibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- unknown wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- audiblewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- channel switchingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- haranguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 264 lists
- foreign languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- scribblingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- speakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- loudwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- unspeakablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- adequatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 71 lists
- enunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- slow downwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 66 lists
- convey the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- command of the languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- argumentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- disclaimerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 82 lists
- reputationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- provide an accurate interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- come what maywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- sensorineural hearing losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conductive hearing losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- external ear infectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subjective tinnituswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- work from relaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- work late hourswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- auditory input losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ringing noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- noise-induced hearing losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hearing losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tinnituswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- intervieweewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- cross-culturalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- professionalisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- repairwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- conceptualizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- anaphoricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- nonverbalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- complex sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- visual aidwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dry runwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- expectationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- idiomaticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- transcribewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- pay attentionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantitative analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- attentionalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cognitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 59 lists
- sequencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 50 lists
- fluentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- analyserwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- respondentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- contributorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- written textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- syntacticallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- automatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- suitabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- neuropsychologicalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- consecutivelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- assesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- mental representationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ivory towerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- face-to-facewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- interpersonalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- paraphrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- terminologicalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- pitfallwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- conceptual elementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- taxonomywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 76 lists
- deconstructwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- oralwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- categorizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- reformulatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- main clausewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mental imagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- appropriatenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- verbal utterancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neurophysiologicalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- soundtrackwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- tongue-twisterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- colloquialismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 45 lists
- discoursewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 107 lists
- psycholinguisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interlocutorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 87 lists
- understanding of procedureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- familiarity with procedureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- enumerationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- homophonywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- distance between source and target language structureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- limited processing capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- complexity of speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- familiarity with topical matterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- picking up the thread of the discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- stuttering speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- boredomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- speedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 61 lists
- foreign accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- poor working conditionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ceremonial stylewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- attention splittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- heavy speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- predictability of a speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- dateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- clarity of argumentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- availability of items in the mental lexiconwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- badly drafted speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- expectations of the audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- non-spontaneous speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- cohesion of speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- equitable remunerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- unexpected contentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- off-the-record remarkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- poor earphoneswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- vagueness of messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- picking up the pacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- missing extralinguistic knowledgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- allusionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- unnatural intonation of speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- disbeliefwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- monotonous voice of speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- speaker switching registerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- new buzzwordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- unfamiliar conference venueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- poor organisation of eventwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- non-native speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- familiarity with the topicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- murky speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- special registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- technical vocabularywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- neologismswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- complex sentence structureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- nuts and bolts meetingswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- speaker’s logorrheawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- communication of humourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- no documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- register of the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- monotonywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- culturally loaded speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- quotationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- speaker’s pronunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- no briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- inadequate interpretation equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- unfamiliarity with the topicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- activation of known wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- overloaded short-term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- no time to prepare for a meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- limited general knowledgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- last-minute assignmentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- grasping the speaker’s intentionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- understatementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- internshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- training sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- articulacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- rephrasing exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- intonation exrecisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- short-term memory exericewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stress management exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coping tactic exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- language enhancementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- remote interpretation exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- replacement exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- voice coachingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- retour exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- padding exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- consecutive exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- substitution exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compression exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reformulation exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- paraphrasing exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- collocation findingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- management exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- active listening exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- rewording exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- em/um avoidance exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- deverbalization exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- generalisation exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- flexibility exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- glossary building exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ear-voice-span exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- shadowing while back-countingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- anticipation exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- number recollection exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- listening comprehensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- fluency exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- linguistic exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- synonym findingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- code switching exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reading back one's notes realiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- note-taking exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- memory exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- tolerate unspeakable boring harangueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exceptional language skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjusted lag shadowingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- quick to pick up the gistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alertwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- vocabulary exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- aptitude for interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- salient points of a speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Nuremberg Trialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- certified court interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shadow a speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fast talking yet good listenerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting teachingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting coursewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-taskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sausage-like strings of evasive circumlocutionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relaxedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- requirement for certificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recollection exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- repetition exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- near-native fluencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comprehension exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- simultaneous interpreting trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phonemic shadowingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Masters’ in Interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vibrantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 58 lists
- phrase shadowingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- attention capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- certification credentialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second language proficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-simultaneous interpreting trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- life-time learningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- State Court Interpreter Certificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high-speed language transferwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingual environmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language proficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improve accent in a second languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- topical matterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- short-term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 94 lists
- long-term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- receive the quotewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unexpected headaches of the consultant interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recruitmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- interpreters' availabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter recruitmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- the right combinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- set up a team of interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- private marketwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- colleagues' availabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AIIC memberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confirmationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- freelance marketwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- availability managementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- list of recruitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- several-page documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference programwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ex-staff interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-recruitmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- medical conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decipher the meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specializationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- liaison interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- community interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- macro- and micro level of analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- public service interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ad hoc interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultural brokerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deverbalisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bridge the communication gapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language mediatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intrasocialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- country profilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transmit information from one language into anotherwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- degree of status differentialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working environmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- language and culture mediatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linguistic transmittancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grasp the speaker’s intentionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dialogue interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information gapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- degree of prestigewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cancel an optionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confirm an optionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- confidentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- mispronunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- ventilationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- workloadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- stressfulwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- adrenalinewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- concordancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- freelancerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- stresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- ergonomicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- working daywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- stressorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- workplacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- blood pressurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- ventilation systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- work surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- airflowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- air-conditioningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- disseminatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 123 lists
- air flowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- performancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- oral presentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bimodalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- diesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- visualizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- deicticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- cognitive processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- headphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- prosodicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- supplementationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- saturationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- group discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paralanguagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- sociolinguisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- simultaneouswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- spoken languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- abstractnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- play backwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- accreditation testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- contextualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
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- preconditionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- aptitudewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- outputwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- overloadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- motivationalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- infelicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- renditionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- replicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- mnemonicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- oversimplifywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- point of departurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- corpuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 61 lists
- extralinguisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- chunkingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- dilationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- time lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- transcriptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- directionalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- efferentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- inputwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- neurolinguistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- experimental procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intelligibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- think backwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consecutivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- participantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- verbalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- cuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- predictorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
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- interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- spanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- idiomatic expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- modalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 41 lists
- sense cohesionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- specializewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- basic assumptionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mediatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- proximalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- assertivenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- phonologicalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- restructurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- predictivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- sequentialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- collocationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- contextual informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comprehensibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- developmental psychologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- syntacticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- synchronizewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- cognitivelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- assessorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- logistic coherencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- word orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- empirical researchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- suprasegmentalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- interdisciplinarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- training programwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
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- monolingualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- retrievalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- evaluativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- key wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- contextwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- processingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- "A speech is not a race"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- logorrheawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 160 lists
- lethologicawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 72 lists
- read up as much as possible for a meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prepare for a meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- keep track of documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proceedings of earlier congresseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unusual words and expressionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- conference room documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parallel paginationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strenuous social eventswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mastery of an organisation's structure and jargonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- receive a complete set of documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minutes or previous meetingswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technical conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- titles of officialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transliterate wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- understand the idea conveyed by the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overuse wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chaperoned by a staff memberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- one-off correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mumblingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- get used to the speakerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- the low-down on the meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pick up some terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dummy-boothingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- give a trustworthy impressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- no "ahms" or "uhms"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- no excessive use of "ands and buts"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- no extra soundswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- goals for improvementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- evaluationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- classroom practicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aspiring interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self assessmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- diagonal noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- notationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- verticalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- principle of shiftwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- laboured deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- principle of verticalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- note unambiguouslywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- read back one’s noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shift and verticalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subject wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stackingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- note-taking systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linkingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- high-flown phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Keep it simple, stupid!"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- offer a biactive ‘aller-retour’ combinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hamper comprehensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- physiological memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- insulting languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretation schoolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilingualismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mastery of a languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- retour dépannagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sobrietywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- biactive and bilingualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- claritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 68 lists
- conference interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intelligencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 56 lists
- mother-tongue statuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- surrogate voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gifted interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neuronal pathwayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultured meeting delegatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- social and cultural baggagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mother-tongue speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consecutive modewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous modewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- senior interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be raised bilingually and bi-culturallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- have a perfect command of the languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- true bilingualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consistencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- slight foreign accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biactive interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weak memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get plenty of rest and arrive on timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- effective deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improve one’s deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vary one’s voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- use one’s pace and tone to emphasize important ideaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monotonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- pick up the pacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pause for important ideaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sign of nervousnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- find a friendly facewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speaking situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- represent confidence to the audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- soft voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- connect with the audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expressive facewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hand gestureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impress the audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- look for a friendly facewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- facial expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- monospeedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- just-rolled-out-of-bed lookwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- look of empathywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get a good night's sleepwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feel and look confidentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sentence intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pronunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- linguistic abilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recall instantaneouslywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deliberate understatement for dramatic or comic effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oratorial deviceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wider conceptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- repetition of words at the end of successive phraseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reversing the word order of a phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unexpected imagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminological inexactitudewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- similar-sounding words or phrases for effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abbreviated expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logical anomalywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrical phrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- juxtaposition of two contradictory words or imageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- repetition of words or phrases at the start of successive clauseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- juxtaposition of contrasting ideawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circuitously elaborate expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emphatic synonymous repetitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harsh phrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emphatic repetitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- create a custom made dictionarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cognatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 62 lists
- constant stream of new terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- student interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 31 lists
- "As literally is possible - as freely as necessary"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shadowerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- linguistic muscle memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linguistic buffer spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- damage the credibility of the interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strong regional accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supervisorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- vocal rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cleanliness of renditionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- training techniqueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- voice qualitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- budding simultaneous interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gift of oratorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shadoweewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- practitionerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- accent correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language transferwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- establish a new network of synapseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linguistic combinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semantic distance from the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fluent speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- excellent mastery of the mother tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- restart a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete the sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- come up with a better sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correct oneselfwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- create short sentenceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get tangled up in complex sentence structureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Finish you sentences!"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- forget the grammatical structure of the beginning of long sentenceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finish a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gain claritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- common pitfallswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- launch oneself into long complex sentence structureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grammatical sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- practice sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- be clear and livelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- squeaky voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unjustified addition to the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unidiomatic languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lack coherencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coherence and plausibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lose interest in the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abrupt endingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unnatural intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disloyal intepreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hoarse voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- excessive repairswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bad articulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- irritating mispronunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unpleasant voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mock the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- significant omissionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unjustified change in the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- implausible messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- incomprehensiblewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- irritating unfinished sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concluding pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inappropriate registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- irritating outburstwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sighingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- mock the messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inadequate choice of languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rustlingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- exaggerated fillerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grammatical mistakewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incoherent performancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weepy voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abrupt beginningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- illogical messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- coughingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- unconvincing voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- talk into the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be businesslike and professionalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 49 lists
- make the consec shorter than the originalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- note sg in longhandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clear one’s throatwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dress smartly and comfortablywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- well-checked birowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- put on a good showwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- umm and errwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pore over one’s noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get in the right language framewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- keep an even pacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dry technical speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sound relaxed but interestedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- behave professionallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be prone to scribblingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be clearly audiblewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be modest and truthfulwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slip into the colloquialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jokey storywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- difficult technical speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- "What is said is said"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stammererwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- raise one's pitchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be off the airwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dead-pan monotonous voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lower the volumewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stage-frightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- handle heavy speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Use it or Lose it!"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cough-buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shades of meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- organization of meetingswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glass boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference diarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improve on what the speaker sayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- protect one’s hearingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Accuracy comes before style"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- condense without loss of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speak without a scriptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- difficult-to-pronounce nameswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- conference organizerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preparing for a meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relay systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type of language usedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sound desperatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- keep up one’s languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fast speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- source text informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- verbose speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mumble one’s wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- knowledge of the subject matterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- a word burning in one’s brainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convention centrewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- coherent output messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be at the mercy of the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- control one’s voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polish the deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gabble one’s wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adopt the same level of animation as the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pleasant tone of voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be recruited againwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- languages with different syntaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- boomerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- level of animationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjust the volumewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acquire total mastery ofwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cabin-matewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-lingual glossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- in-jargonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- interpreting professionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- boomingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- remain calmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cope with stage-frightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- current affairswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adapt one’s style to one’s audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sit back and feel detachedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- talk nonsensewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jargon typical of international negotiationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cut lengthy sentences into several short oneswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recruiterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- economise one’s voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- have the knack of public speakingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- full comprehensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inexperienced interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- flowery speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- work latewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finish the sentences properlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- macroprocessingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- difficult speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- professional speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjust the tone contolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- night meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- amendment of textswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- find vague expressions to overcome temporary difficultieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- keep one’s voice downwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paddingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- listener-friendlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spontaneous speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "It's Greek to me"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Interpreting is crisis management"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "This text lends itself to a good speech"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Every word counts"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Check against delivery"was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- risk of saturationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- taking noteswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreters with a solid reputationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethical considerationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- omitting informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- legible handwritingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- instructorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- omission tacticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overload short-term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- echoic memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reduce memory effort loadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- knowledge basewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- high-density speech segmentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- active interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delay tacticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impose a high load on short-term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ear-Voice Span (EVS)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- target-language termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- individual deficitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- full recovery of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interference phenomenonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- processing capacity managementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- anticipate a problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- passive boothmatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- processing capacity limitationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- take down numbers and nameswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transcoded elementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coping tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- change the ear-voice spanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- save processing capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- anticipation potentialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- easy to transcodewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- practical skillwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- listening and analysis effortwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- source-language sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- switch off the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preventive tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional ethicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreters with a long professional experiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reconstruction processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- misunderstand a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- processing capacity requirementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- increase comprehension potentialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- passive interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lose speech segmentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminological problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- production effortwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- change the order of elements in an enumerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reproduce phoneticallywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preparation strategieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- EVS regulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unclear sentence structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- working conditionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- comprehension and productionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extralinguistic knowledgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- split attention exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- split attentionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- untranslatable termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Speaker corrects..."was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speech segmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- backlogwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- strict time constraintswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- credibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- short-term memory problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comprehension tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- production problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paraphrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- short-term memory overloadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- proper termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduce the impact of the speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delay the responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- waiting periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- processing capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- replace a segment with a superordinate termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distortion of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- naturalized termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discredit the interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phonetic naturalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- instant naturalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subconscious search for the missing termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reformulation tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sentence structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- lexical cuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nonfunctional pausewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- read-aloud modewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- listener’s expectationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- interpreted passagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tentative pausewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pitchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 94 lists
- uncertaintywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- pitch of the tonicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretational intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prima vistawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- congruence between chunking and syntaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impede understandingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tonicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- tonalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- low-rise intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accelerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- distribution of an utterance into distinctive contourswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spontaneous discoursewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nongrammatical junctureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comprehensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- interpreted outputwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- run smoothlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- consultant interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- from the first hello to the final farewellwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- event-planningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intermediationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- conference businesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- event plannerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multilingual eventwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- organise a team of interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- determine the technical equipment necessarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- professional conference interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard for conference interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- breakout sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter-recruitmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comprehensive quotationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parliamentary speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cotton wool expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sound engineerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vaguenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- posturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- look lostwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- match the register to that of the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- move away from the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- boothmatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be on the airwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correct terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjournwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- pick up the thread of the discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sharp bursts followed by long pauseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rustle paperswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slouching interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pleasant voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- close to the patterns of spontaneous speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- official meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- out of breathwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clear enunciationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sabotage an argumentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- leave the booth for a short whilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accuratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- sing-song voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scribble the word in question on a notepadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag behind the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chief interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extraneous noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- with one’s headphones onwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- share vocabularywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-conference distribution of documents to the interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communicate humourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- better be earlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pity the ears of the delegateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quote document numbers clearlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- have a mental block about one wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seek to be clear and livelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speak in a soporific mannerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convey an interest in the listeners' subjectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- signal of distresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pile of documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delegatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 65 lists
- voice productionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tone of voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- upset the working arrangementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- team spiritwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- sound bright and alertwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take over the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- new teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plain wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- formal occasionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sound levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- repeat important figures or dateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technical wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- slang expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- provide an accurate interpretation come what maywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- noisy banglewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communicate the speaker's intended meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abstruse termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- microphone mannerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pant into the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wear a headphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- damaging for the ear-drumswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- team matewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- turn the microphone offwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arcane expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- animation levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slow the speaker downwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pour out waterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- lean close to the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hear the speaker through an interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- solidaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- switch to the required channelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sarcasmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 64 lists
- intended meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- general understanding of the subject matterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- microphone feedbackwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spirit of comradeshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- punctualitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- breathless voicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- avoid a monotonous tonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- middle of the road accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- team memberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unprepared for the meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- drum one’s fingers on the work surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sound reliablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hog the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fluent in deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lapse into a familiar tonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- form a partnership with listenerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- signal to the technicianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improve on what is being saidwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high-pitched screaming noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reluctant to hand over to colleagueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distort the originalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convincingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- delegate satisfactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 48 lists
- booth mannerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- listenerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- microphagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circulate new documentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prepare beforehandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- baroque sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slang-whangerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- have a double Awas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- free-lance testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speed upwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- rules for jokeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jokeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- inquisitive personalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mind readerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mind readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- walking encyclopaediawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- expert in every fieldwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identify with the speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- whispwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- conwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- interpreting diplomawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fast-food interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elaborate on a topicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be robustwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting schoolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neutralize accentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- insertionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- recruit on a day-to-day basiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- teleconference interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Master in Congress Managementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- in-house trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- in-service trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on-the-job trainingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- interpreter daywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nuts and bolts meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- lose one's skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- start from scratchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lip sinkingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- flexitimewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- brain imagingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- teleconferencingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- computer literacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- circularitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- recruitment procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- concourswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open competitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- request a dummy boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language adding examwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Floor" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Or" button (original)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Relay" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Message operator" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Mute" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Cough" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Your channel engaged" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "Speak slowly" buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- engaged channelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get listedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- team leader reportwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vehicular languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- auditing studentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crack the codewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concerned professionalismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alert presencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- request from the floorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- debriefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- intervening periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- priming toolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- make a pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- point of contactwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point of procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- conciliation meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working breakfastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- president's briefwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hearingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- panel hearingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- specialised debatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- special guestwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- slick presentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correct acronymwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adequacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- exact termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- "I know it all" syndromewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fatiguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- curiositywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 42 lists
- nod and winkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- highly technical debatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- level of technicalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- technicalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- capacity theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information overloadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- stand up for the working conditionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impress peoplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- long working hourswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- overcome disbeliefwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eye-to-bald-patch contactwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- informal registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- get hot under the collarwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminological deepeningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seating orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hemicyclewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- synonymwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- provide for a reliable operator for the audio equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stylewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- basic knowledge of lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- give/deliver/make/present a speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- briefwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 57 lists
- open balloting (voting)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- appositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- adjourn a meeting / the meeting stands adjournedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- render exactly the idea and form of the originalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allegorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 120 lists
- hiatuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 99 lists
- list of participantswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- line blockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- lingua francawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- hub-and-spoke methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- euphemismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 175 lists
- basic knowledge of economicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- retourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- cutting of ribbonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hold a hearingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- go around the housewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- apheresiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- adoption of the agendawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communicativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- bi-active interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grey terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hold a debate onwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- matrix methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- antiphrasiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- pre-presswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- literalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- metalanguagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- shifting between languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extension of time limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- have the meeting out of one's handwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- assume chairmanshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allocation of speaking timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniform interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- Head of Servicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- basic knowledge of public administrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pass a resolutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psychographicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- split votingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- press proofwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- punch linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- audio equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- back-countingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- creativitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- deverbativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- explanation of votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nominations and general provisionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- referral back to committeewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- designate a participantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oversee operation of audio equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hub-and-spoke interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adoption of the conclusionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logophobiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- ceremonial handing over of keyswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alliterationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 88 lists
- exclusion of memberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- give a reserved responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confirmation of registrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- give opening remarkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- monosemywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- conceptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 41 lists
- tropewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 186 lists
- ask a pointed questionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Joint Interpretation and Conference Service (JICS)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- anaphorawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 72 lists
- line spacingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- metonymywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 182 lists
- in plain wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pollution from Dutchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pick up on sgwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- can be put down towas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- came out clearlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- off-puttingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- pilot languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oral amendmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- separate votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- select committees quorumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quorum and votingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quorum of bill standing committeeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ad personam interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- casting votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- roll-call votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ordinary votewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vote of confidencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- second reading debatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sessions of Parliamentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- working sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- private briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- part sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- special meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- private meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- press briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- round table discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- training seminarwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plenary sittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pending further talkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- meeting of co-ordinatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mini-sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- normal sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plenarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 82 lists
- press conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- press opportunitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mini sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emergency meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- follow-up conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- floor discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- follow-up meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- debate of subtletieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- podium discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- considerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- follow-up workshopwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plenary sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concluding discussionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- committee meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- place of workwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- debate on topical and urgent matterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emergency debatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exchange of viewswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- extraordinary meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- information pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- closure of seminarwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- lighting equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- overhead projectorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transparency/slidewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- welcome deskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slide projectorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- message operatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- guided walking tourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stand-up buffetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coffee breakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- photo opportunitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- welcome drinkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lunch breakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- welcome lunchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stand-up buffet lunchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smorgasboardwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- welcome dinnerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eye contactwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- perceptionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 75 lists
- playback of recorded textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decodingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- kinesicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- reproductionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- perception of spoken textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- voice recordingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on home groundwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proxemicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- body languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- encodingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- recording of spoken textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feedbackwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- transcriptionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- video conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- video recordingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- productionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- prior to the start of the sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- fidelity of interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consistency of terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjust styleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sight-readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- daily rate fixed by contractwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- code of conduct for interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strive for equitable remunerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- in-house workwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lay down the rights and duties of interpreterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subcontracted workwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- long-term contractwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- remunerationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 54 lists
- consolidationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- proof-reading/revisingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reconciliationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- proof-reading taskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double checkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transfuse the sense ofwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- word-for-word translationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- distort the meaning ofwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- literal translationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- false friendswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- metaglossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- translation memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- translation toolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminology managementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- dictionarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 55 lists
- meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- subject of major importancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- badly draftedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- controversialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- inadmissablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- statementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- ministerial statementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- panaché textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- verbatim reportwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- notes for the presidentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transcript of the speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- agenda itemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- agendawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 61 lists
- voting listwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- bulky documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- atmosphere of the textwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rewarding speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- file complexitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deeper meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paragraph attributewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- list of speakerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- embargoed documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- as deliveredwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information densitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- intentionalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- maiden speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- non-agenda speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- questions for oral answerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on-the-record remarkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statement concerning personal matterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- off-the-record remarkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- gracious speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- laudatory addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- daily briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- inaugural addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- background briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- humourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- ceremonial addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- question timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- farewell speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- dialoguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 62 lists
- point of orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- public speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- oral evidencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- native speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- exchange of toastswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- remarkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- personal remarks / statementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Loyal Addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- opening remarkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- TV news interviewwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- obituarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- opening addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
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- toastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 71 lists
- questions for written answerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oral explanationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- closing remarkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- read from written outwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- answerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 42 lists
- bogus point of orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- contributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- disturbancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- critical remarkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- election addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- urgent and topical matterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- press conference/briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spokesman's briefingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- welcome addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- personal statementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- language regimewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- retrieval of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- off airwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on airwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- training eventwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- situational elementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- get the ideawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technical presentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- high-level teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high-level meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- emergency strategieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- garden path sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- prepared speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Speech from the Thronewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ceremonial speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- public lecturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-standard speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- legalesewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- technical speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- keynote speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Eurojargonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- elocutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 73 lists
- AIIC directorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- retour boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pivot boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sharing of glossarieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glossary buildingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- acceptance speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- journalesewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- inside jokewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- freelancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- word naziwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grammar naziwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- witticismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- jargonic languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reformulate a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rephrase a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coin a new phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jargon watchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jargonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 107 lists
- nominal phraseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- rusticismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- qualifierswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- off the top of one's headwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Germanismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Anglicismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Italianismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Italicismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conceptualizewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- Ciceronianismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speaking timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- text cohesionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- idiomatic languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- word per minutewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- fillerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- logical markerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- formulaic languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proverbwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- formalismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- abbreviationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- murky expressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- catch phrasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- utterancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- pausewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- target utterancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- encoded languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- leitmotivwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- argumentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- metaphorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 117 lists
- gesturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- realia substitutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- buzzwordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- half calquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- explanationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- descriptionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- substitution with a functional analoguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- red weekwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- white weekwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- green weekwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminology groupwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- booth coordinatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hutermwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Current Week Planningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- long-termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- Planningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mock conferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- compensationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- night teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- renfort teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speeches mailboxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plenary teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- substitutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- generalisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- ummingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- on the tip-of-the tongue errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deliverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 31 lists
- microphone warwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classified documentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- renderingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- embargoed speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- embargowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 53 lists
- realiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- transpositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- transliterationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- head of boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be on callwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- be in reservewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on callwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- reservewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- dream teamwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- be at the disposal of the servicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- travel timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- small languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- big languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- passive languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- active languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technical termwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- proper terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mental lexiconwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- activation of wordswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recuperationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- recupwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oralisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- blundererwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- speechificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- song-speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- speech-readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- live broadcastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Englishywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- newspeakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- outspeakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- duckspeakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- interpretesewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neurophysiologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- word-based interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prolonged turns in interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- patterns of intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pragmaticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- speech productionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preserve language structureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- source speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spoken-like source speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psycholinguistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- written-like source speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- meaning-based interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretation researchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language-specific strategieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreting performancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speech comprehensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- target speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpreter-trainerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deverbalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reformulate faithfully complex speecheswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cognitive psychologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- provide a good target speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cognitive operationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allusionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 78 lists
- consecwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- polysemywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 62 lists
- quasi-judicial capacitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-mailerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- personificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- scannerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- rhetoricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 179 lists
- signaturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- strive for a higher registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- teleworkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- paralogismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- calquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 65 lists
- cultural conversionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lip synchronisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- remote interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- editingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- elicit the meaning ofwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trim markswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subtitilingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semiometeringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neologismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 214 lists
- camera-ready copywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- universalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- rhythmic adaptationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semioticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 65 lists
- use of cotton wool expressionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- shadowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 122 lists
- simwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- captionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- circumlocutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 178 lists
- translation studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- omnibus wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- note-readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technical jargonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- screenwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- semanticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 69 lists
- neutralize an accentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oxymoronwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 115 lists
- salami techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sequence of tenseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paronymwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- style-sheetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dialectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- spark it upwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chaserwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- translationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- trimmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- audiencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- translation agencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- translatabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reformulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- simultanous interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- padding sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rewritingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- character half-tonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- onomatopoeiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 296 lists
- idiolectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 50 lists
- solecismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 229 lists
- auto-monitoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quiproquowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- put sg on the agendawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 41 lists
- dubbingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- cough cutwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gooseneck microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- outgoing channelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- headset microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- volume level controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- active channelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incoming languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mute keywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slow keywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relay interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretation servicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on the microphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- endurance testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- near-native competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distortionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- broad general knowledgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 54 lists
- slip-upwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- aptitude testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- blanket awarenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- people on the relaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trustworthinesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- very good language skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mutilationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- lose the threadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cut out huge chunkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- broadcastingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- skewed in the meaningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cognitive sciencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- pissy little mistakewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shift between languageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- advanced language skillswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sound knowledge of the languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- certified interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- translatologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- empathywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 106 lists
- familiarity with international organizationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- language pairwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fast code-switchingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- long term memorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glossologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- Interpreters' Delegationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pivotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- sit the examination for the Commissionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take sy on retourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cultural competencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transitional probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- presentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- cope with stresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communication gapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- face-pullingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- general knowledgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rich vocabularywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- top-notch interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- constant performancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- familiarity with EU-institutionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- go for a sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- physical fitnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- professional secretwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trainee interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cohesionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- pivot interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- well-readwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- self-controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- discretionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- background noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- coherencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- last sentence syndromewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- refrain from taking on the protagonist's rolewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conceptuologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psycholinguisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fluencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- principal interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- staff interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- European Masters in Conference Interpreting (EMCI)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- consecutive interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- consolewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 54 lists
- full linguistic regimewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- keynote addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- keynote speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- em/umwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speech impairmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- speech errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distant interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- teleconferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- take turnswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- splendid isolationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- informal get-togetherwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- floorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- lunchtime receptionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- name tagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- arrival ceremonywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dummy boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- visual equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- state dinnerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chamberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 61 lists
- interpretation equipmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take the floorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- give the floor towas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- buffet dinnerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- opening dinnerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- projection systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- meeting roomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- official openingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- presentation of participantswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- introduce speakers and titleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conference venuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- propose a toastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- horse-shoe shaped tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wall-to-wall Germanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- official welcomewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mute buttonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- voting machinewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- earpiecewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- buffet lunchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpretation boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dictaphonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- parallel reformulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- highly technical meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- target languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- sign sy outwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- listen out forwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- second languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- official languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- pollution from another languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feeling of underachievementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lesser-used tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- off-putting stylewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- operational wordwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lesser-used languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- native languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- double Dutchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- interferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- mother tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- Eurospeakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- area in which sy is knowledgablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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- source languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- come out clearlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ragged startwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 58 lists
- note-taking techniqueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- on the tip of my tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
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- word blindnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- syntactical errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- morphological errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phonetic errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- replacementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- additionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- Freudian slipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- malapropismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 210 lists
- social interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- medical interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oral messagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- misinterpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- state certificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- assignmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- proficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- sight readingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- meeting preparationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- technicianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- specialized languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- segmentationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- slangwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- temporal markerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- special terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- anticipationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- unconventional languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- accuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- credentialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- repetitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- omissionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- remote interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- uncompleted sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- liaison interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- non-standard registerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stutteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- narrating speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- booth etiquettewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- false startwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- media interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- redundancywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- court interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- note-takingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- protocol and demeanorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- video transcriptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linguistic open-end formswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intonationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 31 lists
- certificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- speakerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- active listeningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- stallingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- hesitationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- sign language interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- formal addresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- culturally loaded termswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proper nameswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- morphosyntactic transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monolingual paraphrasingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reasoning speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- officialesewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- slip of the tonguewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- bilingual glossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- preparednesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- code switchingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- referenceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- shadowingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- titleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- chuchotagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- switching registerswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pauseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- monitoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- conference interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overloaded speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- figureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- recallingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- prosodywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 93 lists
- approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- décalagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- highly coded languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- multi-taskingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- accreditationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- monolingual glossarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sight translationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- community interpretingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- legal interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transcodingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- dense speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- lispingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- predictabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- AIIC Code of Professional Ethicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- short/long sequence consecutivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- polemic speechwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- grammatical personwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- logical connectorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- skill building exercisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- whispered interpretationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ironywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 111 lists
- confidentialitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- video-conferencingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- C-languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- booth meetingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plenary weekwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- B-languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- A-languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- freelance interpreterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- relay languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take sy on relaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- team leaderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- SCICwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mikewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- missionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- pivot languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mission orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Strasbourg sessionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- retour languagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- language boothwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mini-plenarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- team sheetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- micwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
gulyasrobi commented on the list interpreters-speak
Words and expressions used by interpreter trainers, aspiring and practicing conference interpreters when talking about their job. The vocabulary of conference interpreting.
December 3, 2012