gulyasrobi has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 385 lists, listed 140467 words, written 323 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
Comments for gulyasrobi
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
thanks for contributing on my 'solutions' list
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
ok, if you'll create a blank open list for example 'SEDE - military naval' i'll add some there. that way its uniform. thank you.
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
Hi marky, thank you for your likes. You're welcome to add some naval terms if you are familiar with the subject matter, I would appreciate it a lot.
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
seems you're missing naval terms in your SEDE lists?
foijsoijsdoif commented on the user gulyasrobi
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kalayzich commented on the user gulyasrobi
Dear Uglyasrobin,
Thankyou for the deep concern you have for my lists.
Actions speak louder than words.I have removed all unimaginative lists.
How true that lexicographers are thieves/kidnappers.Until the next
wordhiccupnik ....keep collocating
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
From now, you can order your lists (alphabetically, by creation date).
Thank you (3x), Wordnik!
It was a nice surprise when I sat down to work, this morning.
ruzuzu commented on the user gulyasrobi
I like your comments about words that mean one thing in English and another in Hungarian (especially hat, eleven, and eke).
djoci commented on the user gulyasrobi
Hát az nem egy rossz munka :) Én még mindig angol szakos vagyok, MA-s, jövőre végzek (ha minden jól megy). De hogy utána mi lesz, az még kérdéses.
djoci commented on the user gulyasrobi
Ha csak nem vagy te is angol szakos az ELTE-n, akkor nem vagyok biztos abban, hogy ismerjük egymást. Ettől függetlenül köszi az üdvözlést :) Még csak ismerkedem a Wordnikkel, úgyhogy lehet, hogy majd hozzád fordulok 1-2 kérdéssel.
bilby commented on the user gulyasrobi
On an old version of the site - and saying that is making me feel very old - there was a way to see which words had been listed most times. The two clear winners were defenestrate and schadenfreude.
Prolagus commented on the user gulyasrobi
It happens to everyone! Including a lot of us old Wordies. Hope you like it here!
fbharjo commented on the user gulyasrobi
It is definitely wordnikteriously mysterious! (and full of awe-wonder!)?
fbharjo commented on the user gulyasrobi
Great lists!
How did you list so many words (46907) so quickly ?... and where are these words since most of them are not on your lists?
ruzuzu commented on the user gulyasrobi
You have some fascinating lists, gulyasrobi. Welcome to Wordnik!
Favorite Lists
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- eye phrases
- eyelashes
- whiskers
- FUN - gestures
- The Oddympics
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- rabbits,hares,pikas
- shit phrases
- gecko lizards
- whales,dolphins,porpoises
- Worse Than They Sound
- Name Suggestions for Ultra-Compact Cars
- Lay of the Land
- Trash Talk
- Three Sheets to the Wind
- tongue phrases
- seals and sea lions
- pedantic words
- word phrases
- I Am A Starfish. I Speak With Paint.
- Loaded Words Part Deux: Two Words That Together Make One Load
- back phrases/hyphens/compounds
- horse phrases
- spring phrases
- black phrases/words
- news phrases/words
- Bible phrases
- cat breeds
- Deer
- green phrases/ words
- book phrases and words
- Special Beasts
- white phrase/words
- turkey phrases/words
- Natural phrases
- nature phrases / words
- Cretinsss
- warholian-words
- Words for a Monday
- •Open List: Plural-Looking Singular Nouns
- coffee phrases
- blue phrases/words
- If it's magic...
- ship phrases /words
- encountered while fact-checking and copyediting
- Ugly Words for Lovely Things
- Nazi Germany
- Animal Descriptors
- Flowers/plants
- anthropology
- Words of Tomorrow
- lemon phrases / words
- land phrases/words
- The Waves
- love phrases/words
- ~~Olde-Fashioned Insults~~
- sick plants
- Friend or Foe
- honey phrases/words
- Princeton GRE Words
- Genericised Trademarks and Trademark Erosions
- Construction
- Cepstrums
- Wi-Fi Names
- Five Consecutive Consonant Strings
- Formerly
- Hanukkah Words
- Action Verbs
- animal sound verbs
- Axioms of Bad Cinema
- Let's Go To the Movies
- Film
- Wine Tasters' Notes
- WF - nominal compounds (figurative)
- EN - eesily missspellable wirds
- EN - newSPEAK
- COLL - some OF everything
- Realia from Everywhere
- UK Usage - Find US Equivalent
- POL - what the people want
- EN - archaic words
- HU Realia
- Rare Words - A
- FUN - Jeeves and Wooster - Jeeves
- Politically Correct Terms
- TECH - linkerati
- AGRI - milk sector
- HU Brands
- ECON - market abuse
- EN - xenophobic terms
- ENVI - Seveso
- WF - Word Formation Words
- T:PSYCHO - misinterpretations
- POL - What is Barack talking about?
- WF - Words from Proper Names
- WF - Gates (!)
- EN-HU - important words for a HU interpreter
- EMPL - pension systems in Europe
- INTA - GSP product categories
- AGRI - types of agricultural land
- AGRI - sustainable agriculture
- Single Letters with Meaning
- INTERP - terminology management tools
- REGI - urban development
- MUSIC - metal
- JURI - general terms
- EN - coloured collocations
- AFET - abbreviations
- WF - weird sniglets
- AFET - Middle East
- POL - cool collocations (Noun+Prep+Noun)
- EU - Parliament vocabulary
- ECON - financial crisis
- EN - pronunciation fun
- CULT - Cedefop
- CULT - protection of young persons
- EU - European history
- ENVI - Collocations MNOPQ
- CULT - sports
- EN - abbreviations for chatters
- ECON - banking and stock trading
- Something is wrong here
- POL - legislation
- UK Realia
- JURI - courtroom speak
- TECH - business collocations
- EN - cool expressions
- INTERP - verbal blunders
- COLL - time
- JURI - crimes and offences
- Siamese Twins - X and/or Y
- COLL - International...
- EN - high brow
- EN - Old Western Slang
- COLL - Federal...
- EN - The Englishes of the world
- JURI - customs glossary
- HU Towns in Romania
- AGRI - animal husbandry
- EU - ALL things EUROPEAN
- RELI - biblical phrases
- AGRI - wine sector
- ECON - macroeconomic indicators
- INTERP - addressing the audience
- EN - academic vocabulary
- ENVI - Collocations ABC
- EU - abbreviations
- EU - Commission vocabulary
- ENVI - Collocations DEFG
- POL - scandalous (words and collocations)
- EN - 3-letter words of the pattern CVC
- POL - cool collocations (Noun+Noun)
- SEDE - weapons
- ECON - economic policy instruments
- JURI - matters of succession
- AFET - diplomacy
- CONT - general terms
- COLL - Global...
- EN - unverbs
- Names for Names
- HU Proper
- Nationalities (Demonyms)
- WF - adjectives for easterners
- HU History
- DEVE - Agenda for Change
- Orwellian Purism
- DEVE - Policy Coherence for Development
- AGRI - sugar sector
- MUSIC - dance styles
- AFET - EU enlargement
- LIBE - grounds for discrimination
- AGRI - crops/fruits/vegetables
- POL - executive
- INTERP - exposed, fragile, sensitive, vulnerable
- CULT - digital divide
- INTERP - speeches can be...
- LIBE - Citizens' Europe
- CULT - intellectual property rights
- CULT - abbreviations
- REGI - abbreviations
- POL - cool compounds
- EU - Court vocabulary
- ECON - abbreviations
- ITRE - abbreviations
- ITRE - energy - fossil
- POL - US political issues
- ENVI - Collocations TUVWXYZ
- WF - daffynitions
- POL - cool collocations (Adj+Noun)
- ITRE - communication technology
- AFCO - constitution vocabulary
- EN-HU - fun and challenge to translate
- Tangible
- EU - agencies
- EU - Council vocabulary
- WF - Lores (!)
- INTA - generalised tariff preferences
- HU Nuclear Scientists
- ENVI - Collocations RS
- AGRI - abbreviations
- W - FIAT
- CULT - commercials
- DEVE - abbreviations
- PECH - fishing technology
- AGRI - plant health
- ECON - general customs terms
- INTERP - committees
- SCIE - neurology
- EN - parents' babble
- POL - What is Tony talking about?
- COLL - tourism
- COLL - World...
- FUN - Jeeves and Wooster - Wooster
- HU Culture
- AFET - Kosovo
- TRAN - air travel
- DEVE - Trade Agreements
- HU Geography
- CULT - European cinema heritage
- BUDG - abbreviations
- POL - partisan
- PETI - general terms
- US - realia
- AFET - proper names
- ENVI - Collocations HIJKL
- POL - cool collocations (Verb+...)
- BUDG - general terms
- POL - opposition
- EU - Latin in the EU
- INTERP - types of speeches
- CULT - media policy
- INTERP - languages
- EN - overused words
- REGI - general terms
- WF - Fy it!
- ENVI - climate change
- EU - treaties
- POL - issues
- ITRE - energy - nuclear
- WORDNIK - interesting tags
- INTERP - types of documents
- INTERP - terminology management terms
- EU Buzz - noun+of+noun collocations
- EN - funny (single) words
- WF - niks
- EU Buzz - verb+noun collocations
- EN - 3-letter words of the pattern VCV
- LIT - Iliad - key words and protagonists
- PECH - abbreviations
- POL - people in power
- DROI - general terms
- INTERP - people and posts
- EN-HU - homographs
- TECH - tools
- ECON - stock markets
- ENVI - general
- MUSIC - progressive rock
- HU Towns in Slovakia
- COLL - Adv Adj
- WF - alternative segmentation
- EN - autological words and phrases
- WF - nonce words and hapax legomena
- LIT - the 100 most common words of the Communist Manifesto
- POL - scandalous (single words only)
- EN - redundancies, tautologies and pleonasms
- EN - bureaucratese
- WF - esey
- EU Buzz - collocations
- EU Buzz - word+and+word collocations
- POL - What is Mitt talking about?
- ENVI - abbreviations
- PECH - marine species
- CONT - abbreviations
- ITRE - energy - general terms
- AGRI - animal health
- EN - doing business from sweet home
- WF - list of EN back-formations
- LIT - stylistic schemes & rhetorical devices
- WF - all types of word formation
- EU Buzz - noun+noun collocations
- CULI - wine-tasting adjectives
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+noun collocations
- POL - collocations with "election"
- HIST - European
- EU Buzz - past participle + noun collocations
- TECH - digital photography
- EU Buzz - adj+noun collocations
- EN - Anglish
- BIOL - the brain
- WF - 100 most common NN phrase nouns
- LIT - telltale collocations from the Communist Manifesto
- FUN - animated characters of the Anglo-Saxon world
- EN - "The Bible" in Anglish
- EU Buzz - mathematics
- US - Congress vocabulary
- COLL - killer bug OR bug killer
- INTERP - sexist language
- EU Buzz - present participle + noun collocations
- RELI - branches of theology
- LIT - Ulysses - key words and phrases
- ENVI - non-commercial movement of pet animals
- ENVI - water protection
- EN - intensifiers
- EU Buzz - colour collocations
- TECH - metals and alloys
- EN - "business" collocations
- RELI - Christian doctrines
- TRAN - abbreviations
- JURI - clauses
- RELI - the 7 deadly sins
- EN - eloquence in public speaking
- TECH - web application frameworks
- POL - campaign tokenisms
- TECH - furniture
- RELI - virtues of the true Christian
- RELI - properties of the Christian God
- EU Buzz - adjective+noun+noun collocations
- WF - nominal compounds (concrete)
- EU Buzz - single words (1+2+3)
- SCIE - publications
- INTERP - types of exercises
- SPOR - equipment
- AGRI - milk products
- INTERP - titles
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+noun+noun collocations
- UK - slang
- AFET - diplomacy - noun+noun collocations
- TECH - department store terms
- US - national anthem vocabulary
- CHEM - names of metal ions
- EN - longest (>15 char) words
- RELI - words you immediately associate with the Bible
- WORDNIK - words found in "Wordnik"
- POL - mathematics
- FUN - changing colours
- FUN - infixation in English
- EU Buzz - ALL words and expressions
- SPOR - Olympic glossary
- REGI - cohesion policy
- AGRI - apiculture
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+adj+noun collocations
- POL - elections
- AGRI - horse breeding
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+art+noun collocations
- RELI - words with Biblical connotations
- POL - presidential debates
- LIT - Greco-Latin gods and heroes
- SCIE - mathematics
- PECH - general terms
- CHEM - acids
- TECH - Steve Jobs
- SEDE - principles and indicators
- AFET - world events - 2012 - 4th quartal
- LIBE - abbreviations
- SEDE - military organizations
- FUN - bogus definitions
- EU Buzz - governing principles of the EU
- EN - pseudo-English words
- US - What is Bill talking about - Sep 2012?
- MUSIC - jazz
- WF - palindromes
- RELI - Biblical collocations
- TECH - food processing
- FUN - World of Warcraft terminology
- SEDE - military policy and diplomacy
- NEWS - top stories - 08-10-2012
- SEDE - people and ranks
- EMPL - Globalisation Fund
- SEDE - technology+material+support
- SEDE - armies and units
- EU - Eurovoc - politics
- WF - retronyms
- BUSI - collocations
- EU - Eurovoc - international relations
- EU Buzz - Lisbon Treaty
- SCIE - graph theory
- EN - trendy lifestyle words
- FUN - Beatles song titles
- INTERP - challenges
- RELI - Books of the Bible
- SCIE - Be the first...
- EN - fine scholarly language
- EN - compound adjectives ending in "-ed"
- EU - Proper
- EN - rare verbs
- SCIE - noun-noun collocations
- EN - US buzzwords of 2012
- EU - Eurovoc - European Communities
- EMPL - youth unemployment
- CULT - Europe for Citizens
- TRAN - road transport
- SEDE - abbreviations
- EU Buzz - 100 most active collocation constituents
- AGRI - food prices
- AFET - ACP countries
- FUN - gestures
- SEDE - air combat
- EMPL - concession contracts
- SEDE - terrorism
- SEDE - planning
- EMPL - abbreviations
- IMCO - EU nomenclature
- MYTH - spooky creatures
- WF - compound adjectives ending in "-ing"
- HIST - 56 was 56 years ago
- SCIE - natural language processing
- EU - What was Joao talking about in 2011?
- LIT - Odyssey - key words and phrases
- JURI - patent law
- TRAN - automobile technology advancements
- CHEM - early chemistry terms
- SEDE - designated areas
- SEDE - military operations
- SEDE - types of warfare
- SEDE - intelligence and communication
- SEDE+TRAN - military transport
- SCIE - EU nomenclature
- TRAN - air traffic control
- LIBE - rights
- AFCO - fundamental rights
- CHEM - psychotropic substances
- EN - confusables
- EN - compound body adjectives
- EN - compound adjectives
- RELI - Genesis
- INTA - abbreviations
- ENVI - drinking water
- ENVI - emission trading (ETS)
- SCIE - game theory
- EN - Glasgow stop list
- PHIL - vocabulary of thinking
- WF - like
- SCIE - statistics
- EN - rare adverbs
- EN - baby talk
- POL - HU political issues
- SPOR - chess
- FUN - fictional animals
- TRAN - general terms
- FUN - fish can be...
- TRAN - rail transport
- EU Buzz - EN words misused by the EU
- US - war on terror
- TRAN - waterborne transport
- PECH - marine zoologists
- SCIE - psychology of humor collocations
- DEVE - development statistics - collocations
Comments by gulyasrobi
gulyasrobi commented on the list hilarious-when-translated
airhead tökfej, süket
September 27, 2017
gulyasrobi commented on the list development-statistics---collocations
List generated from the
UN Millennium Development Goals Report 2015
July 24, 2015
gulyasrobi commented on the list fun---fish-can-be
Fish can be curious...
Funny compound adjectives of a highly technical nature - never listed on Wordnik before.
April 30, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the list figuratively-used-compounds
474 words so far. Help to achieve the 500 mark!
To my knowledge there is no way of extracting these words from any text automatically. This remains a manual job.
Remember: the compound must have a figurative meaning.
April 21, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word unpin
New definition (as of 2012):
To remove a post from the top position in Facebook
March 17, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---hu-political-issues
Hungary in the English-speaking press 2010-2014
March 11, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word cloud mouse
February 27, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word skinput
February 27, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word unenroll
Changed your mind? Unenroll from Wordnik.
February 14, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word Brixit
Together with Grexit, Brixit is a buzzword in European journalism these days.
February 14, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the list loaded-words-part-deux-two-words-that-together-make-one-load
Great list! My list Figuratively used compounds'> follows a very similar line, only the words are written together. Check it out if you like.
January 17, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word bullshit
A posh and very British way of saying "bullshit" is "poppywash". Oh, how much more decent, isn't it?
January 15, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the word poppywash
The word "poppywash" is a new entry (as of today by myself) to Wordnik. Stephen Fry uses the word "poppywash" in the sense of "bullshit" on page 6 of the 2011 Penguin edition of "The Fry Chronicles". Urban dictionary defines the word as "bullshit, old English slang for expressing anger".
January 15, 2013
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
Hi marky, thank you for your likes. You're welcome to add some naval terms if you are familiar with the subject matter, I would appreciate it a lot.
December 21, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word degrowth
Degrowth is a new but increasingly popular concept. "Degrowth theorists" and "degrowth movements" dream of a "happy degrowth". I am surprised to see that no one on Wordnik has listed it, yet.
December 12, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word unsuck
unsuck, unsucking
December 6, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list interpreters-speak
Words and expressions used by interpreter trainers, aspiring and practicing conference interpreters when talking about their job. The vocabulary of conference interpreting.
December 3, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list neurology
Words of Greek and Latin origin and their meanings in English
November 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word spyfall
The word refers to the Petraeus affair - fall 2012 (fall of a chief spy)
November 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word skyfall
skyfall and spyfall
recent neologisms about the same theme:
the rise and fall of secret agents (fall 2012)
November 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list scie---noun-noun-collocations
In the age of artificial intelligence and the semantic web, collocations sorted by thematic categories are useful contributions to people who work in the business of CAT and strive to make machine translation tools based on semantically annotated statistical information work better.
October 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list scie---noun-noun-collocations
Here is a word cloud of about 200 nouns that have proved to be the most productive constituents of noun-noun collocations. The bigger the print the more frequently the noun enters into collocational relationship with others. With these 200 nouns you can compose more than 10000 valid collocations. How can I tell? Because they were derived from more than 10000 noun-noun collocations:
October 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list scie---noun-noun-collocations
Dear kalayzich,
Thank you for your comments and corrections.
Answering your question:
The purpose of my investigation is having fun with a language I learn and love. Undersanding why certain nouns are more active collocates than others. In other cases: collecting words and collocations that I find useful in my work as an interpreter (for interpreters collocations are a lot more interesting than words, because each collocation represents a neuronal connection).
No, vocabgrabber wasn't my source, only the tool with which I sorted a big collection (mostly hand-picked) of noun-noun collocations that I had put together over the years. Oy yes, another motivation: I love text-mining as a pastime (I am crazy). However strange it might sound to you: I don't give a (what's the proper word here?) whether I am first or last on this list. That's the point I have always wanted to make. I just like Wordnik and playing around. Maybe too much for my health, but it has little to do with adrenalin. Hope you liked my reply.
: -)
October 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word robin
In the 1960s, in a vote publicised by The Times newspaper, the Robin was adopted as the unofficial national bird of the UK.
October 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word curly quotes
October 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list simpsons-frequency-word-usage
My Dear Friend, Kalayzich,
Please find your list “simpson's frequency word usage” of 5001 “words”, cleaned from numbers, individual letters and stuff like
“ii, i-i, ''i, homer|, homerj, g, -g, 'em, do|, dad|, bart|, off|, right|, sir|, what|, yeah|, you|, you|to, here|, man|, marge|, me|, mom|, no|, not|”
(I have no idea why Wordnik made two files from one)
Apart from the fact that uploading frequency lists to Wordnik is a rather unimaginative practice, you should at least take care to clean your lists from rubbish before you do so.
Wordnik is “all the WORDS”, so uploading prime numbers in batches and frequency lists with the words ordinal numbers does not make much sense to me.
But I may be wrong. So please feel free to download and upload the file I have cleaned for you under your name again (I will certainly delete it from among my lists, once you have done so.) I think it’s just silly to compete for primacy by any means, “just because”.
I have certainly no intention to compete with you in any way, and if I upload or do not upload files in the future will have nothing to do with your existence.
Text mining and putting together lists should be fun or could be a job-related obligation, but it is certainly not something which should motivate anyone to fight. Feel free to use Wordnik and be the FIRST, if this is your passion, but stop uploading numbers. Or have you thought of going swimming, instead?
Being a lexicographer has definitely something in common with being a thief, but even criminals of our sort may take pride in adding some value manually to the stuff that we have stolen.
In friendship,
October 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word curly quotes
"curly quotation mark" and "forward slash" were "quotation mark" and "slash" before typewriters and computers invented new breeds of these characters. Can you think of other traditional characters that need an adjective in front, because they were made obsolete by modern character sets?
October 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---retronyms
Once new generation technologies make the original products obsolete, the latter soon need an adjective in front...
October 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word silver lining
HU: a jo a rosszban, minden rosszban van valami jo
October 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list fun---bogus-definitions
This list contains the words that can be defined as follows: - the person upon whom one coughs at
- appalled over how much weight you have gained
- to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach
- to attempt an explanation while drunk
- describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown
- to walk with a lisp
- olive-flavored mouthwash
- emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over
- a rapidly receding hairline
- a humorous question on an exam
- the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists
- a Rastafarian proctologist
- a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms
- the belief that when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there
- an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men
October 21, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list gates
More -gates (added 20 new scandals).
October 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list genericised-trademarks-and-trademark-erosions
In one word: generonyms
October 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---cool-collocations--verb
Not just words, ACTION.
October 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list coll---killer-bug-or-bug-killer
Reversable collocations. Some are perfect matches, for others you have to use your imagination. They have one thing in common: reversed, they are just as valid collocations, sometimes with a surprising meaning. Reversing collocations reveals a lot about their inherent semantic structure.
October 3, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list coll---the-dilemma
Using an adequate set of collocates (in this case 20 words) and a permutation generator, you can easily generate hundreds of collocations. Possibly, the number of collocations in a given language is at least one if not two orders bigger than the number of words. If the number of distinct words in EN is estimated to be in the billions, the number of EN collocations must be in the ten to hundred billion range. Is there a point in collecting and recording collocations? I am open for interesting arguments pro and con.
October 2, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word bloodshot
HU: véraláfutás(os)
September 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word basket trap
HU: varsa
September 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word tinder
HU: gyutacs
September 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word whistle stop
DE: Blitzbesuch
September 24, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list old-fashioned-insults
I love this one.
September 22, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list the-most-badass-words-ever
Cool list
September 22, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wordnik---words-found-in--wordnik
A tribute to Wordnik
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word athereloigon
Thanks for the etymological explanations on winnowing.
For pictures about these ancient tools see:
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
From now, you can order your lists (alphabetically, by creation date).
Thank you (3x), Wordnik!
It was a nice surprise when I sat down to work, this morning.
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list lite---ulysses
Words and MWEs that evoke the atmosphere of James Joyce's world.
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list lite---odyssey
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list lite---iliad---key-words-and-protagonists
The Iliad - key words and phrases
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list jeeves-and-wooster---wooster
"Woosterisms" as heard from the character " Wooster" in P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves and Wooster" stories.
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list jeeves-and-wooster---jeeves
"Jeevesisms" as heard from the valet Jeeves in P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves and Wooster" stories.
September 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list lite---odyssey
My hand-made glossary of all Odyssean terms including our childhood's favourites like "bright-eyed Athene", "wine-dark sea", "rosy-fingered Dawn", "long suffering Odysseus"... Enjoy and add more if any else springs to your mind.
September 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word coattail
"on the coattails of" in HU = "vki/vmi farvizén (beevezni)"
September 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list linguistic-tools
We are all lexicographers, aren't we?
September 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list insult-words
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word mole burrow
"mole burrow" in HU = vakondtúrás
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word butthead
"butthead" in HU = "seggfej" (literally)
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word wiseacre
"wise-acre" in HU = "seggfej" (arse-head)
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list fun---gulyas
Gulyas is a goyish genius craving for guyish gizmos... ;-)
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list nazi-germany
See more here:
September 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word sagacity
HU for "sagacity" = itelokepesseg
September 13, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list adjectives-that-raise-the-roof
Try with ";"-s
September 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list bible---words
There is a similar list on Wordnik with stricter thematic criteria on the same subject:
September 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list bible---collocations
Thank you, ruzuzu.
September 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list bible---collocations
Can you think of more?
September 9, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list bible---words
Just words...
September 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word bank resolution
FR: résolution de défaillance bancaire
HU: bank-konszolidacio / felszamolas / szanalas
September 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fiscal backstop
FR: appui/protection financière (un filet de sécurité)
HU: penzugyi vedohalo (mentocsomag)
September 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list figuratively-used-compounds
Open for contributions.
September 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---what-is-mitt-talking-about
For comparison see my list:
September 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---what-is-mitt-talking-about
Key terms from Mitt Romney's election campaign. Have I missed anything?
September 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---campaign-tokenisms
Empty promises. THE words and expressions to use when you want to win over the masses or just don't know what to say.
"CAPITAL" stands for the administrative capital of your country
"NATIONAL" stands for your nationality
"THIS COUNTRY" stands for the name of your country
For a visual representation of the frequency of individual words in this list go to:
August 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---people-in-power
This list is far from being complete. I have a gut feeling that humankind's love of power and hierachy is such, that alone in English there must be thousands of words for people in power. Please add more, if you like.
August 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ass munch
Do you (native speakers of English) agree, when I assume that what an "ass munch" does, is basically "fartsplitting"?
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word appoint the fox to guard the chicken coop
HU equivalent: "kecskére bízza a káposztát" (appoint the goat to guard the cabbage)
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---scandalous
For a visual representation of the words in this list see:
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---scandalous--single-words-only
Filthy buzz.
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en---funny-words
"Fornication" is not equal to "formication".
Words with funny meaning or spelling.
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list fun---gestures
There are thousands of gestures in human communication. Some are understood everywhere, some are understood everywhere but differently and some are linked to cultures or groups of people. Please add more if you know them by (English) name.
August 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list tech---furniture
The universe as IKEA sees it.
Furniture, haberdashery, household articles and a lot more. The bulk of the list (750 entries) are IKEA articles in the original English version IKEA uses but further additions from US and UK sources have been made. Please feel free to add items but try to observe the spelling conventions (lower-case characters, plural only with small items where the use of the singular is less common)
August 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word cheese
For cheese lovers: (excellent picture dictionary and learning tool)
August 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list eye-phrases
One good turn deserves another.
August 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en----business--collocations
Cool, thanks, kalayzich! From among the ones you have provided I could add more than 60 new noun-noun collocates to my list! A word of assurance: I'm not going to list ALL Englich collocates on Wordnik. I am concentrating on the ones only that fit well into my "business" or interest me from a linguistic point of view...
August 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list parents-babble
You heard these as a child.
You will say these as a parent.
August 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en----business--collocations
The word "business" is an unually active collocation head in English noun-noun collocations. Sometimes plurals are more common than singulars. I never listed both. Try to find more "business" noun-noun collocates, if you like.
August 28, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list bedaphors
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list gossiphoning
How about "embargo", "embargoed" talking of not-yet released sensitive documents?
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list el-perro-hace-guau-guau
All my contributions are in Hungarian. The alphabetical listing helps compare the different language versions. The English part of the list is far from complete. Good luck.
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word röf-röf
"röf-röf" is Hungarian baby talk for what a pig "says".
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list 91-classified-93
A cool list.
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list 91-classified-93
For unity's sake I also made my contributions lower case, but these projects are all proper names, and some are mosaic words that normally spell upper case.
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fishglass
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word learneddom
Or rather: academia
August 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list things-you-dont-see-because-of-your-computer-screen
Look again.
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---scandalous--single-words-only
For poltical journalists the use of at least one (preferably several) of these cues per article is a must.
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fishglass
Creative guess but wrong. Mind you, the English word must begin with an "a".
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word learneddom
Getting close.
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en---anglish
The Purist Dictionary.
Madeupical or revitalized Old English forms for words of non-Germanic origin. For all of these terms exists a normal English equivalent beginning with "a" (e.g. "stickstuff" = azote, "daresome = audacious). I wish you a pleasant guessing!
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---fy-it
A relatively easy (still needs manual work and patience) way to find similar words is to google "allinurl: *"
August 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list fun---animated-characters-of-the-anglo-saxon-world
A list of 999 entries. Add the 1000th!
August 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list culi---wine-tasting-adjectives
In this area of expertise nouns are frequently used as adjectives (almond, bacon, cider, fennel) or new adjectives are formed (appley, berrylike, citrusy, full-bodied) which are almost never used outside the wine-tasting profession.
August 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list culi---wine-tasting-adjectives
August 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list the-bible-in-anglish
You'll love this...
August 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word TagCrowd
Excellent tool for extracting terms from web-based texts. Easy transfer of txt data into Wordnik lists.
August 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list things-you-dont-see-because-of-your-computer-screen
Our material environment. Look behind your screen. Name some of the objects you can see there. Try to be as specific as possible. Please participate.
August 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list rhetorical-devices-2
There are some repetitions in this list due to additions by users other than the author. As these entries can only be deleted by the contributors themselves, they mercyshevekare kindly requested to review their additions and delete those that are redundant.
August 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word asskey
According to the definition of asskey:
"Any keystroke struck in frustration, most typically in an attempt to revive a frozen system. The group secretary could be heard asking Tech Support, "so where's the asskey"?
(orig. Southern US dial., ASCII)"
August 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---niks
Thanks, I have checked them out. Nothing is new under the heaven. It seems, though, that the number of nouns formed with -nik is rather limited in English.
August 15, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word voucherize
As for "verbizing" see the word "verbed" on the list
August 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---list-of-en-back-formations
Bobboy = Bobby, sorry for the misspelling.
August 13, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---list-of-en-back-formations
Copied this list from Wikipedia here. Credits go to: Bobboy H. Heffley et al, see
August 13, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word back-formation
List of English back-formations:
August 13, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word mink
"mink" in Hungarian means: we (regional and social variant)
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word pina
"pina" in Hungarian means: cunt
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word pech
"pech" in Hungarian (and in German) means: bad luck
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word foci
"foci" in Hungarian is the diminutive / popular form of saying "soccer".
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list english-words-used-in-czech
Cool list. Probably there are a lot more, depending on the definition of "English words" and date of entry into your language. Keep on collecting them, I'll do the same for Hungarian. Thank you for the inspiration.
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---scandalous
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list aequorias-list
This list is an excellent resource if you intend to pursue the rhetoric practice of aureation...
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---nonce-words
I started this list only to discover that there is a very similar list on Wordnik: by zeke,
I decided not to delete mine - parallel channels may direct more ships to the same sea...
August 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list tools-of-god
Cool list! How about chalice + cryptex and the infamous cilice belt (as we know them from 'The Da Vinci Code')?
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ma
"ma" in Hungaroian means: today
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word lead
"lead" in Hungarian means: to pass on / to give away
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word here
"here" in Hungarian means: testicle / drone (male bee)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word tested
"tested" in Hungarian means: your body
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word versed
"versed" in Hungarian means: your poem
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list tools--3
A very wide category. There are words for possibly several hundred thousand tools in the world's languages (especially in industrial societies). You do not believe it? Try to add at least 10 tool names (think of your workplace, or some manual professions)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word iron
"iron" in Hungarian means: pencil (especially the one used by carpenters)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word nyala
"nyala" in Hungarian is the obscure past tense of "nyalni" (to lick)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word font
"font" in Hungarian means: weaved
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ken
"ken" in Hungarian means: to spread (by a knife)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word old
"old" in Hungarian means: dissolve / solve / release
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word lent
"lent" in Hungarian means: downstairs, below, underneath
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word pont
"pont" in Hungarian means: dot / exactly / just
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word kent
"kent" in Hungarian is the past tense of "kenni" = to spread (by a knife)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ment
"ment" in Hungarian means: went
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word volt
"volt" in Hungarian means: was / were
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word per
"per" in Hungarian means: process, trial, suit
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word abba
"abba" in Hungarian means: in(to) that (one)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fa
"fa" in Hungarian means: tree
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word be
"be" in Hungarian means: inside, in, into
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word jog
"jog" in Hungarian means: law / right
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word daredevil
HU: "kalandor" (adventurer)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word petty tyrant
HU: "zsebnapoleon" (pocket Napoleon)
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word the maninthestreet
HU: "a zemberek"
August 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en---doing-business-from-sweet-home
In the Internet era people can increasingly do business from home. More and more funny "jobs" emerge. Can you think of more "virtual jobs"?
August 6, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list budg---general-terms
Budgetese - not a sexy topic but a very comprehensive list of words and collocations used in EU circles. Budgeting experts please comment and expand.
August 6, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list en-hu-homographs
Thanks, guys. I was afraid this list would bore the hell out of you. I'm happy, it didn't. There are several thousand languages in the world, I'm sure most could offer similar lists. I wonder how many EN words would they cover, all put together, and which languages could offer the most examples? So far words of six letters are the longest I have been able to track down in Hungarian.
August 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Sunday best
HU for "Sunday best" is "legjobb ruha", "unneplo ruha" (festive clothing)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word chatterbox
HU for "chatterbox" is "locsi-fecsi" / "dumagep" / "pletykafeszek"
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word caveman
HU for "caveman" is "barlanglako" (cave dweller)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word carpetbagger
HU for "carpetbagger" is "szerencselovag" / "szerencsevadasz" (good luck hunter)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word deadpan
HU for "deadpan" is "fapofa" (wooden face)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word van
"van" in Hungarian means: there is
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word pad
"pad" in Hungarian means: bench / desk
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word lop
"lop" in Hungarian means: to steal
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word hit
"hit" in Hungarian means: faith, belief
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word has
"has" in Hungarian means: belly, tommy
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word had
"had" in Hungarian means: army
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fog
"fog" in Hungarian means: take / tooth / shall - and is, therefore, a homograph in its own right already in that language
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word arc
"arc" in Hungarian means: face
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word vet
"vet" in Hungarian means: to sow
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pol---scandalous
Words and collocations associated with political scandal
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word garburator
The (funny) HU term for "garburator" is "konyhamalac" (kitchen pig)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word part
"part" in Hungarian means: (river) bank / (sea) shore
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word petit
"petit" "Petit" in Hungarian means: Pete (him)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word pata
"pata" in Hungarian means: hoof
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word muti
"muti" in Hungarian means: show me
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Anya
"Anya" "anya" in Hungarian means: mother
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word soma
"soma" i.e. "Soma" is a male first name in Hungarian
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word eke
"eke" in Hungarian means: yoke
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word banya
"banya" in Hungarian means: witch / ugly old woman
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word tan
"tan" in Hungarian means: teaching / -logy
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word kin
"kin" in Hungarian means: on/of/about who(m)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word bent
"bent" in Hungarian means: inside
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word barack
"barack" in Hungarian means: peach / apricot
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word kit
"kit" in Hungarian means: who(m)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word comb
"comb" in Hungarian means: thigh
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word far
"far" in Hungarian means: hind / behind / buttocks
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word zugswang
Another way of saying "Zugszwang" in German is "Zeitnot". Both words come from chess and mean more or less the same (two synonymous aspects of the same phenomenon). Zeitnot is also making its way into English.
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list logolepsy
Superb list! It's a shame the loading (and even the scrolling) of bigger lists is so slow in Wordnik. Though in today's world 9000 is closer to zero than to anything that might be called big. What if Wordnik (if a user agrees) allowed the opening of (especially) long lists in txt-format without the "was added etc." information in each line?
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word bolt
"bolt" in Hungarian means: shop / store
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word tag
"tag" in Hungarian means: member
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word eleven
"eleven" in Hungarian means: lively
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word hat
"hat" in Hungarian means: six
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ember
"ember" in Hungarian means: human
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Barack
"Barack" in Hungarian means: peach / apricot
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list this-is-america
Please help me extend this list. The idea being "as seen from abroad".
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word food waste disposer
HU = konyhamalac (kitchenpig)
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list coll---adv-adj
An ultimately purposeless but dramatically different list...
August 1, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word reworder
A (these days usually on-line) tool that helps you rewrite, reword articles you have written either manually or automatically, using a synonym database
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list cetaceans
If you look for more waterborne species (other than just mammals) go to:'>
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list salmon
For more cold and slimy creatures consult'>
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list interesting-wordnik-tags
Cool. It would be great to see all tags and edit them.
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list figuratively-used-compounds
Thank you marky, and sorry about that. I just changed the list's "edit" property to "editable by anyone".
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list interesting-wordnik-tags
Word or letter combinations, clicking on which (under "tagging") you'll get long (and easily copiable txt) lists as a result. Please add more tags (of your own) that generate lists of considerable size.
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list interp---speeches-can-be
Interpreters love to comment on speakers and their speeches. I want to grow this list of adjectives to several hundreds. Please add yours.
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list figuratively-used-compounds
An extensive list I have been working on for quite some time. Feel free to add more of the kind if you miss any.
July 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list music---hardcore
Names of heavy / black / thrash / sludge / speed / death / glam metal + thrashcore bands + some basic vocabulary. There is a naming contest going on between Hell and Heaven.
July 25, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list music---progressive-rock
Names of progressive / art / psychedelic / baroque rock bands. Non-Anglo-Saxon bands of supernational fame are also listed as long as their name is English.
July 25, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list pech---fishing-technology
A Wordle list showing the frequency of each adjective and headword respectively:
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word animelles
HU = (bika)töke, (kakas)töke
July 19, 2012
Show 123 more comments...