from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun The way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed.
- noun The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular person, group, school, or era.
- noun Sort; type.
- noun A quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes.
- noun A comfortable and elegant mode of existence.
- noun A mode of living.
- noun The fashion of the moment, especially of dress; vogue.
- noun A particular fashion.
- noun A customary manner of presenting printed material, including usage, punctuation, spelling, typography, and arrangement.
- noun A name or title.
- noun An implement used for etching or engraving.
- noun A slender pointed writing instrument used by the ancients on wax tablets.
- noun The needle of a phonograph.
- noun The gnomon of a sundial.
- noun Botany The usually slender part of a pistil, connecting the ovary and the stigma.
- noun Zoology A slender, tubular, or bristlelike process.
- noun Medicine A surgical probing instrument; a stylet.
- noun Obsolete A pen.
- transitive verb To design or fashion in a certain way.
- transitive verb To arrange (hair) in a certain way, as by cutting, coloring, or curling.
- transitive verb To call or name; designate.
- transitive verb To make consistent with rules of style.
from The Century Dictionary.
- To record with or as with a style; give literary form to; write.
- To give or accord the style or designation of; entitle; denominate; call.
- noun An obsolete spelling of
stile . - noun A pillar; a column. See
style . - noun The pin or gnomon of a sun-dial, which marks the time by its shadow, or any fixed pointer serving a similar purpose. See cut under
sun-dial . - noun In botany, a narrowed extension of the ovary, which, when present, supports the stigma.
- noun An elongated cusp or projection, lying on the periphery of a tooth and derived from outgrowths of the cingulum: often termed pillar or buttress. According to location these cusps have distinctive names. See mesostyle, parastyle, etc. See also cut at
tooth , 1. - noun In textile-printing, the manner in which certain effects are produced. Thus, there are pigment styles, discharge styles, resist styles, steam-mordant styles, etc.
- noun An iron instrument, in the form of a bodkin tapering to a point at one end, used, in one of the methods of writing practised in ancient and medieval times, for scratching the letters into a waxed tablet, the other end being blunt for rubbing out writing and smoothing the tablet; figuratively, any writing-instrument.
- noun Something similar in form to the instrument above described, or in some respect suggestive of it.
- noun Mode of expression in writing or speaking; characteristic diction; a particular method of expressing thought by selection or collocation of words, distinct in some respect from other methods, as determined by nationality, period, literary form, individuality, etc.; in an absolute sense, appropriate or suitable diction; conformity to an approved literary standard: as, the style of Shakspere or of Dickens; antiquated or modern style; didactic, poetic, or forensic style; a pedantic style; a nervous style; a cynical style.
- noun Distinctive manner of external presentation; particular mode or form (within more or less variable limits) of construction or execution in any art or employment; the specific or characteristic formation or arrangement of anything.
- noun Particular mode of action or manifestation; physical or mental procedure; manner; way: as, styles of rowing, riding, or walking; styles of acting, singing, or bowing.
- noun Mode, as of living or of appearing; distinctive or characteristic manner or fashion, with reference to appearance, bearing, social relations, etc.; in absolute use, an approved or prevalent mode; superior manner; noticeable elegance; the fashion: as, to live in style; style of deportment or of dress.
- noun Hence, in general, fine appearance; dashing character; spirited appearance: as, a horse that shows style.
- noun Mode of designation or address; a qualifying appellation or title; an epithet distinctive of rank, office, character, or quality.
- noun In chronology, a mode of reckoning time with regard to the Julian and Gregorian calendars. See
calendar . - noun See the qualifying words.
- noun Synonyms Diction, Phraseology, etc. (See
diction .) Invention, Style, Amplification, in rhetoric. Seeinvention . - noun Appellation, etc. See
name .
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
- transitive verb To entitle; to term, name, or call; to denominate.
- noun An instrument used by the ancients in writing on tablets covered with wax, having one of its ends sharp, and the other blunt, and somewhat expanded, for the purpose of making erasures by smoothing the wax.
- noun Hence, anything resembling the ancient style in shape or use.
- noun A pen; an author's pen.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
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In his paper “De la catégorie de style en histoire des sciences” (Gayon 1996), and in the later Gayon 1999, Jean Gayon presents the different usages of ˜style™ in the historiography of science as falling between two camps (in a way he follows Hacking 1992 here).
Mathematical Style Mancosu, Paolo 2009
I began by translating Perraults tales, very nearly word for word; because to me his style has always seemed nearly perfect for its purpose; and the essence of style in writing is propriety to its purpose.
Preface. 1910
A more appropriate title would be the _direct style, _ as contrasted with the other, or _indirect style_: the peculiarity of the one being, that it conveys each thought into the mind step by step with little liability to error; and of the other, that it gets the right thought conceived by a series of approximations.
The Philosophy of Style Herbert Spencer 1861
The military style is, and must ever be essentially _a one-handed style_, for the soldier must have his right hand at liberty for his weapons.
Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece or, Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding George Greenwood 1837
'Rack his style, Madam, _rack his style_?' he said to Queen Elizabeth, as he tells us, when she consulted him -- he being then of her counsel learned, in the case of Dr. Hayward, charged with having written 'the book of the deposing of Richard the Second, and the _coming in_ of
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded Delia Bacon 1835
$_EXTRA_URL = array ( 'flash ='. $flash. 'style ='. $style);. 2010
$_EXTRA_URL = array ( 'flash ='. $flash. 'style ='. $style);. 2010
$_EXTRA_URL = array ( 'flash ='. $flash. 'style ='. $style);. 2010
$_EXTRA_URL = array ( 'flash ='. $flash. 'style ='. $style);. 2010
Slide 5: strategy - with protected ip 1 help women shop for fashion more quickly and confidently 2 3 4 gaming social networking product review •engaging / sticky •micro communities •focused assortments •content generation •content generation •filterable style rank •millions of •profile page •friends 5-star rankings •style reviews (tweets) •location
Grilled onions cooked down in the collected meat juices on the hot griddle can be added to any sandwich, and come standard if you ask for your burger or fries Animal Style. An Animal Style burger also includes extra Thousand Island spread, mustard grilled patties, and extra pickles. Animal Style fries, on the other hand, are topped with cheese, spread, and grilled onions.
In-N-Out Burger Secret Menu Guide to Order Like an Insider Editorial Process 2024
The option became so popular that it is now listed under the “not so secret menu” category on In-N-Out’s website. As for what it entails, “animal style” refers to a burger with a beef patty grilled with mustard then served with pickles, lettuce, grilled onions, and extra spread on a toasted bun. Animal style fries, meanwhile, are topped with cheese, spread, and grilled onions.
In-N-Out owner reveals where ‘animal style’ name comes from Brittany Miller 2023
Grilled onions cooked down in the collected meat juices on the hot griddle can be added to any sandwich, and come standard if you ask for your burger or fries Animal Style. An Animal Style burger also includes extra Thousand Island spread, mustard grilled patties, and extra pickles. Animal Style fries, on the other hand, are topped with cheese, spread, and grilled onions.
In-N-Out Burger Secret Menu Guide to Order Like an Insider Editorial Process 2024
In 1961, the west coast chain In-N-Out started serving “animal style” burgers with an extra helping of their spread—a sauce made from ketchup, mayo, relish, sugar, and vinegar.
Why So Many Burger Chains Use Thousand Island Dressing as Their Special Sauce Michele Debczak 2023
brtom commented on the word style
I reckoned Tom Sawyer couldn't a done it no neater himself. Of course he would a throwed more style into it, but I can't do that very handy, not being brung up to it. HF 27
December 7, 2006