A list of 580 words by john.
- railstardwas added by john and appears on just this list
- obambulatewas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- obamulatewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- theodicywas added by john and appears on 50 lists
- ratwas added by john and appears on 64 lists
- monkeywas added by john and appears on 80 lists
- donkeywas added by john and appears on 51 lists
- chamwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- starnwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- afferentwas added by john and appears on 23 lists
- earlashwas added by john and appears on just this list
- twitterversospherewas added by john and appears on just this list
- rflwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- smtoewas added by john and appears on just this list
- camboywas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- limpomawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- suchnotwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- ^5was added by john and appears on just this list
- tablescapingwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- aestheatricalwas added by john and appears on just this list
- modconwas added by john and appears on just this list
- quiditywas added by john and appears on just this list
- pole positionwas added by john and appears on just this list
- cantopopwas added by john and appears on just this list
- badarakwas added by john and appears on just this list
- career disorientedwas added by john and appears on just this list
- stylophonewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- kalishnarumpetwas added by john and appears on just this list
- middiewas added by john and appears on just this list
- honqwas added by john and appears on just this list
- manpoowas added by john and appears on just this list
- motherboywas added by john and appears on just this list
- ayuntamientowas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- shudrawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- vaishyawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- dalitwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- kshatriyawas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- jatiwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- varnawas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- nehruwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- ticowas added by john and appears on just this list
- cattlesnakewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- mobsourcingwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- quartodecimanwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- albatross that laid the golden eggwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- newordizenwas added by john and appears on just this list
- walking buswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- fusefulwas added by john and appears on just this list
- friends with benefitswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- fantasoundwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- barococowas added by john and appears on just this list
- phalacrocoracidaewas added by john and appears on just this list
- privacy policywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- pants statuswas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- emojiwas added by john and appears on 24 lists
- bananapocalypsewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- brinkingwas added by john and appears on just this list
- interoperablewas added by john and appears on just this list
- cursebirdwas added by john and appears on just this list
- roller derbywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- agnotologywas added by john and appears on 17 lists
- one million o'clockwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- jell-o clownwas added by john and appears on just this list
- car czarwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hoptoadwas added by john and appears on 11 lists
- hurricane partywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- hash house harrierswas added by john and appears on just this list
- no courantwas added by john and appears on just this list
- sangre de dragowas added by john and appears on just this list
- serpwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- eupsychianwas added by john and appears on just this list
- big boardwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- president obamawas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- chapeau-braswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- shiswas added by john and appears on just this list
- casio corewas added by john and appears on just this list
- yo la tengowas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- cooking with gaswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- wordiawas added by john and appears on just this list
- threadsafewas added by john and appears on just this list
- nicely disrespectfulwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- jesus frogwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- wing fencewas added by john and appears on just this list
- dawn patrolwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- seowas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- microsharingwas added by john and appears on just this list
- lower-upper-middle classwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- tarp your loadwas added by john and appears on just this list
- spit shine a turdwas added by john and appears on just this list
- frown of approvalwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- overfittingwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- silent keywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- sandwicherowas added by john and appears on just this list
- nugacitywas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- paradoxical sleepwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- attract modewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- captologywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- translitwas added by john and appears on just this list
- volapukwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- volapuckwas added by john and appears on just this list
- paracosmwas added by john and appears on 48 lists
- decouplingwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- lowerarchywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- canada daywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- fudgsiclewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- mutatowas added by john and appears on just this list
- double doublewas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- psychic jukeboxwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- cornucopia of the commonswas added by john and appears on just this list
- kokomosexualwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- leccy billwas added by john and appears on just this list
- moro reflexwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- bipwas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- erotimimewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- adadwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- red hot pepperswas added by john and appears on just this list
- ghostingwas added by john and appears on 15 lists
- ghost writewas added by john and appears on just this list
- character entitywas added by john and appears on just this list
- the cake of customwas added by john and appears on just this list
- imaginationalismwas added by john and appears on just this list
- margarwas added by john and appears on just this list
- young frankensteinwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- antibalaswas added by john and appears on just this list
- blind hoistwaywas added by john and appears on just this list
- elevatoringwas added by john and appears on just this list
- doppelgooglewas added by john and appears on just this list
- flibbity gibbetwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- gesture politicswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- indiciumwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- on aboutwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- lessnesswas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- testwas added by john and appears on 85 lists
- forneverwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- boy georgewas added by john and appears on just this list
- sheep!was added by john and appears on 3 lists
- flockmasterwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- saleschildwas added by john and appears on just this list
- make timewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- structuringwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- turmoil of squidwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- wyomingitewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- webshitewas added by john and appears on just this list
- shooting skipwas added by john and appears on just this list
- auto de fewas added by john and appears on just this list
- monkey patchwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- a tergowas added by john and appears on just this list
- way of the crosswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- stations of the crosswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- via dolorosawas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- via cruciswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- caveat venditorwas added by john and appears on just this list
- zone of alienationwas added by john and appears on just this list
- shore patrolwas added by john and appears on just this list
- seabagwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- marlinespikewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- brennschlusswas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- causa pro metricawas added by john and appears on just this list
- figuraewas added by john and appears on just this list
- figurawas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- migraineurwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- repugnwas added by john and appears on 16 lists
- idiopathywas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- textistwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- pianomatopoeiawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- potato barnwas added by john and appears on just this list
- chicken chestedwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- flenserwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- golgi apparatuswas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- padawanwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- nanoscopicwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- surcinglewas added by john and appears on 15 lists
- cranky pantswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- take a flierwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hot linkwas added by john and appears on just this list
- schrödinger's catwas added by john and appears on 11 lists
- global weirdingwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- quotative likewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- in possewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- piqueniquewas added by john and appears on just this list
- deal spreadwas added by john and appears on just this list
- chuppahwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- citjowas added by john and appears on just this list
- krumholtzwas added by john and appears on just this list
- jkwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- twiverwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hymenealwas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- srslywas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- flexidoxywas added by john and appears on just this list
- buttboywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- redhotswas added by john and appears on just this list
- curse of knowledgewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- moralerwas added by john and appears on just this list
- baghdadiwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- crowdsourcewas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- earmarxistwas added by john and appears on just this list
- pseudo eventwas added by john and appears on just this list
- déjà fatiguéwas added by john and appears on just this list
- starchitectwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- airing of grievanceswas added by john and appears on just this list
- hunky punkwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- sausage clubwas added by john and appears on just this list
- jocko homowas added by john and appears on just this list
- kill feewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- fillumwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- affinagewas added by john and appears on just this list
- oggsfordwas added by john and appears on just this list
- heelyswas added by john and appears on just this list
- fueliewas added by john and appears on just this list
- quinzeewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- lolcodewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- c.h.u.d.was added by john and appears on just this list
- chuglywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- ambiguity devicewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- frostitutewas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- cougwas added by john and appears on just this list
- shit disturberwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- flowbeewas added by john and appears on just this list
- wordie blogswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- plunderphonicswas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- etardedwas added by john and appears on just this list
- sleepsperienceswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- mobilewas added by john and appears on 40 lists
- turdblossomwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- astroturfingwas added by john and appears on 11 lists
- nodiwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- fugwas added by john and appears on 47 lists
- suicide by copwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- winchellismwas added by john and appears on just this list
- proxivorewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- mobtownwas added by john and appears on just this list
- geighwas added by john and appears on just this list
- interrobangwas added by john and appears on 133 lists
- juliet balconywas added by john and appears on just this list
- cyclomatic complexitywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- exquisite corpsewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- raifwas added by john and appears on just this list
- krokodiloeswas added by john and appears on just this list
- ovinewas added by john and appears on 55 lists
- pos-menswas added by john and appears on just this list
- glorious twelfthwas added by john and appears on just this list
- ahimsawas added by john and appears on 22 lists
- potato lovewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- annewas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- xerophagywas added by john and appears on 25 lists
- read intowas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- untermenschwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- wordnetwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- negative corpuswas added by john and appears on just this list
- troponymwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- neutral cornerswas added by john and appears on just this list
- quotation markswas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- question markwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- harvard commawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- serial commawas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- hightailwas added by john and appears on 12 lists
- q scorewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- canjetwas added by john and appears on just this list
- greenwashwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- ecomaginationwas added by john and appears on just this list
- completistwas added by john and appears on just this list
- completismwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- drunkaloguewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- epsonalitywas added by john and appears on just this list
- cavagewas added by john and appears on just this list
- curvebreakerwas added by john and appears on just this list
- misery indexwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- ebitdawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- yellow cardwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- too pooped to popwas added by john and appears on just this list
- lexiphaneswas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- mau mauwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- star turnwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- mos defwas added by john and appears on just this list
- rank amateurwas added by john and appears on just this list
- glaucomawas added by john and appears on 11 lists
- arthawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- sadhuwas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- scoop jackson democratwas added by john and appears on just this list
- rum runnerwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- name droppingwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- tragedy of the commonswas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- bowspiritwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- spreaderwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- vancouverwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- in his cupswas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- load averagewas added by john and appears on just this list
- tach'dwas added by john and appears on just this list
- palenquewas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- papiamentowas added by john and appears on just this list
- multislackingwas added by john and appears on 16 lists
- strabowas added by john and appears on just this list
- splittistwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- subsessionwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- benniferwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- nagapiewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- bangerwas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- lysistratawas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- all seeing eyewas added by john and appears on just this list
- eye of providencewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- annuit coeptiswas added by john and appears on just this list
- in flagrantewas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- lysistradawas added by john and appears on just this list
- brazillionwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- ashcanwas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- depth chargewas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- chi rhowas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- merchwas added by john and appears on 12 lists
- methwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- jumpmanwas added by john and appears on just this list
- slew ratewas added by john and appears on just this list
- autocompletewas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- bugswas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- overwatchwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- mclovinwas added by john and appears on just this list
- sockdologizewas added by john and appears on just this list
- bone charwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- maker's markwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- franklin stovewas added by john and appears on just this list
- sugar nipperwas added by john and appears on just this list
- straight lastwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- sugar bushwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- sugar snowwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- glossaraliawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- gooblewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- ctl-bwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- cheesoiswas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- cheesewawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- corporawas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- ymmvwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- minced oathwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- toweliewas added by john and appears on just this list
- ossicuspwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- a-hedwas added by john and appears on just this list
- xyrwas added by john and appears on just this list
- themselveswas added by john and appears on 15 lists
- herselfwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- thonwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- ziewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- vewas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- xewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- eirwas added by john and appears on just this list
- spivakwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- eywas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- word apneawas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- coamingwas added by john and appears on 18 lists
- textual harassmentwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- cluetrainwas added by john and appears on just this list
- thunder chickenwas added by john and appears on just this list
- tooriewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- glengarrywas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- beer thirtywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- beer o'clockwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- bob's your unclewas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- gilding the lilywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- heter mechirawas added by john and appears on just this list
- shmitawas added by john and appears on just this list
- malt liquorwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- lauterwas added by john and appears on just this list
- kräuseningwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- kruseningwas added by john and appears on just this list
- ibuwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- camrawas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- yillwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- ahkamwas added by john and appears on just this list
- faridawas added by john and appears on just this list
- salahwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- fardwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- adhanwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- clippywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- herzogwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- callipygianwas added by john and appears on 316 lists
- angstromwas added by john and appears on 32 lists
- txtspkwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- touchdownwas added by john and appears on 14 lists
- tosticationswas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- dlwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- 1506 nix nixwas added by john and appears on just this list
- notary sojacwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- gimsonwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- eutopiawas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- meconiumwas added by john and appears on 26 lists
- afterpainwas added by john and appears on just this list
- bécassewas added by john and appears on just this list
- gothloliwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- fake steve jobswas added by john and appears on just this list
- manlaughterwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- vaccicidewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- stoozingwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- ninja loanwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- optempowas added by john and appears on just this list
- innitwas added by john and appears on 19 lists
- imstupiblewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- endianwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- tumpwas added by john and appears on 24 lists
- donkeymanwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- jus in bellowas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- jus ad bellumwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- rockismwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- hyperfunctionwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- splenomegalywas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- galactagoguewas added by john and appears on 23 lists
- gomerwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- skelswas added by john and appears on just this list
- kallawayawas added by john and appears on just this list
- mesoscalewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- mesonetwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- compawas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- patriot's daywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- pididdlewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- lowriderwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- full-assedwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- spamishwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- bridge and tunnelwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- lovewas added by john and appears on 370 lists
- brannock devicewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- doucheoisiewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- polysemewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- curry westernwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- brass tackswas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- esprit de corpwas added by john and appears on just this list
- piewas added by john and appears on 77 lists
- backasswardwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- chavwas added by john and appears on 30 lists
- golden calfwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- halftonewas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- cold typewas added by john and appears on just this list
- photostatwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- pasteupwas added by john and appears on just this list
- la nuit américainewas added by john and appears on just this list
- hail marywas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- crystal baschetwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hydrocrystalophonewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- above the foldwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- shad-enfreudewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- placeholder namewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- bananaphonewas added by john and appears on 17 lists
- foobriswas added by john and appears on just this list
- creamptwas added by john and appears on just this list
- twitterwas added by john and appears on 77 lists
- lervewas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- badmouthwas added by john and appears on 15 lists
- goodmouthwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- encephaliticwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- the clapperwas added by john and appears on just this list
- procuresswas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- can of cornwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- norfukwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hofmeister kinkwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- dead cat holewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- backlightwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- beltlinewas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- windsplitwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- anhydritewas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- orthorhombicwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- idempotentwas added by john and appears on 39 lists
- oughtawas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- conworriedwas added by john and appears on just this list
- octosquidwas added by john and appears on just this list
- purellwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- hysteresiswas added by john and appears on 28 lists
- squirclewas added by john and appears on 12 lists
- pennsylvadarwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- superveniencewas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- muwas added by john and appears on 30 lists
- doppingwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- sordwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- onomasticwas added by john and appears on 19 lists
- lagniappewas added by john and appears on 112 lists
- debuggerywas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- gnomonwas added by john and appears on 63 lists
- knackeredwas added by john and appears on 63 lists
- douche-cockwas added by john and appears on just this list
- buttywas added by john and appears on 17 lists
- systolewas added by john and appears on 22 lists
- godspeedwas added by john and appears on 29 lists
- dudemarwas added by john and appears on just this list
- dudemanteauwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- perseverationwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- myelinationwas added by john and appears on 2 lists
- zimawas added by john and appears on just this list
- jewtasticwas added by john and appears on just this list
- borstalwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- breederwas added by john and appears on 17 lists
- frotagewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- ballerinowas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- blowerwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- coconutwas added by john and appears on 53 lists
- kaboshwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- painbowwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- shirtywas added by john and appears on 32 lists
- findabilitywas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- litoteswas added by john and appears on 112 lists
- sodalitywas added by john and appears on 47 lists
- plushiewas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- gaytardwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- specialitywas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- cuntstruckwas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- jipijapawas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- crenationwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- avantwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- ineluctablewas added by john and appears on 245 lists
- sibilancewas added by john and appears on 47 lists
- frickinwas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- gyrovaguewas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- transomwas added by john and appears on 60 lists
- hedcutwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- surceasewas added by john and appears on 50 lists
- pikerwas added by john and appears on 13 lists
- anhedoniawas added by john and appears on 86 lists
- mitzvahwas added by john and appears on 18 lists
- rfewas added by john and appears on just this list
- headwordwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- etymologistwas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- entomologistwas added by john and appears on 18 lists
- bummalowas added by john and appears on 11 lists
- natcheswas added by john and appears on just this list
- noncewas added by john and appears on 86 lists
- bivywas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- hierophantwas added by john and appears on 116 lists
- poutinewas added by john and appears on 28 lists
- clownwas added by john and appears on 47 lists
- johnwas added by john and appears on 47 lists
- patewas added by john and appears on 42 lists
- pâtewas added by john and appears on just this list
- pâtéwas added by john and appears on 9 lists
- provocateurwas added by john and appears on 25 lists
- westingwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- refenestrationwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- smurphwas added by john and appears on 5 lists
- bracketwas added by john and appears on 42 lists
- ghotiwas added by john and appears on 32 lists
- fulkingwas added by john and appears on just this list
- tawwas added by john and appears on 17 lists
- noospherewas added by john and appears on 34 lists
- cephalophorewas added by john and appears on 18 lists
- festivuswas added by john and appears on 23 lists
- misandristwas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- faineantwas added by john and appears on 60 lists
- prepicenterwas added by john and appears on just this list
- hemidemisemiquaverwas added by john and appears on 55 lists
- strappleberrywas added by john and appears on 22 lists
- epeolatrywas added by john and appears on 51 lists
- tweewas added by john and appears on 104 lists
- dirigiblewas added by john and appears on 147 lists
- psychopompwas added by john and appears on 98 lists
- titificationwas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- bookmarkletwas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- bollockswas added by john and appears on 67 lists
- erratawas added by john and appears on 72 lists
- shoegazerwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- poetasterwas added by john and appears on 54 lists
- piss and vinegarwas added by john and appears on 7 lists
- lagniappewas added by john and appears on 112 lists
- nychthemeronwas added by john and appears on 56 lists
- interrobangwas added by john and appears on 133 lists
- shrubberywas added by john and appears on 37 lists
- synechdochewas added by john and appears on 25 lists
- mookwas added by john and appears on 21 lists
- polariwas added by john and appears on 8 lists
- consiglierewas added by john and appears on 36 lists
- breezerwas added by john and appears on 4 lists
- steganographywas added by john and appears on 35 lists
- embiggenwas added by john and appears on 45 lists
- huzzahwas added by john and appears on 70 lists
- colophonwas added by john and appears on 112 lists
- picayunewas added by john and appears on 162 lists
- ablutophobiawas added by john and appears on 10 lists
- bête noirewas added by john and appears on 45 lists
- tetragrammatonwas added by john and appears on 28 lists
- neologismwas added by john and appears on 214 lists
- anastrophewas added by john and appears on 51 lists
- metaphonewas added by john and appears on 3 lists
- geophagywas added by john and appears on 14 lists
- gloamingwas added by john and appears on 213 lists
- seragliowas added by john and appears on 57 lists
- theophagywas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- amanuenseswas added by john and appears on 6 lists
- maceratewas added by john and appears on 77 lists
- phaticwas added by john and appears on 72 lists
uselessness commented on the list some-words
Hey John, I've seen a few people adding words in brackets. We can reprimand them ex post facto, or do what I feel is a better approach: strip brackets out of strings when words are added. Seems like an easy and effective fix to me. Is that feasible?
December 13, 2006
john commented on the list some-words
totally feasible, great idea. plus i'll try to put in a little explanatory text somewhere not too intrusive. it's an understandable mistake, given the way you can bracket words in comments, but would be good to prevent. smurphs up the db.
December 13, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list some-words
Which begs the question: how is it that no one has yet listed the verb "to smurph"? :)
December 13, 2006
andrew.simone commented on the list some-words
December 13, 2006
uselessness commented on the list some-words
Excellent service! Terrific!
But it most certainly does not beg the question. That's a linguistic nightmare of another sort. Just the same, I'm adding smurph right now.
December 13, 2006
ecrivaine33 commented on the list some-words
Hi, there seems to be no way to just edit a word once you've put it in - looks like you must delete it and retype it and add it? Maybe an edit link for each word would be handy - just a thought from a dedicated new user : ) Jen
Thanks. The site is great though! I've already apprised my coworkers of its existence where I work here in a media analysis environment; so it comes in handy.
December 14, 2006
ecrivaine33 commented on the list some-words
Hi, John,
Quick question - how do I have more than one list? I don't seem to have found the option for that, but I see that other people have not made just one unwieldy list of words, as I have - they have separate ones for separate topics.
Please tell me how that's done, if you would. Thanks and happy holidays to you. Jen
December 21, 2006
ecrivaine33 commented on the list some-words
I was wondering if, in the future, there might be more attributes to the site? Like word games that encourage interaction and more familiarity with other members. And also, is it possible that we could have the ability to post just our photos on our profiles? I hope I'm not being too annoying with my ideas here - just some thoughts that struck me : )
You are doing a superb job for a "slack bastard" as I saw somewhere on the site - not slack at all! We logophiles are grateful for the birth of Wordie, I believe.
December 21, 2006
john commented on the list some-words
Hi Ecrivaine33, try the Wordie group on Flickr, started by Lampbane. It's intended for photos of text, but there's a Which Wordie Are You? discussion thread wherein you can see (or show your own) Flickr profile photo. Wordie itself will most likely always be an all-text site.
No specific plans for games, but I'll keep adding features as time permits. Subscribe to the Errata feed to be notified of site updates.
January 2, 2007
ecrivaine33 commented on the list some-words
Hi, John,
Great changes on the site. I noticed you'd changed some things.
P.S. I still cannot figure out how to make separate lists. The last time I looked at it I guess I just didn't see how to do this.
January 27, 2007
uselessness commented on the list some-words
At the end of your list of lists (near the top of your Words That Populate My Mind page) is a link that says "New List." Click it. A form will expand where you can type a name and description of your new list. Click the "Add List" button and you're good to go.
Try searching within the web page (Ctrl-F) for "new list" if you can't find the link.
January 27, 2007
uselessness commented on the list some-words
Hey John, some of us have been wondering about embedding images in comments. What do you think about this? It can currently be done with (X)HTML, but perhaps you want to disable that? I know you take a very "anarchist" approach to running the site, maybe you'd prefer to stay hands-off.
I don't have a problem with images, per se, but the ability to embed other media may pose a security issue, like what happened to MySpace until they tightened up what was allowed by users. I would suggest that maybe the only markup that should be allowed is for formatting text: bold, italic, strong, emphasis, anchors, acronym, abbreviation, blockquote, quotation, cite, code, deleted, subscript, superscript, and address. Maybe whitelist these tags and block everything else? Just a suggestion.
Ooh look, video!!
January 28, 2007
copydiva commented on the list some-words
Hi John, was perusing your list and saw one that i needed for my words of youth list -- frickin. Of course!!
February 6, 2007
sarahtonin commented on the list some-words
Thank you, sir! I am full of narcissistic puns.
May 15, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list some-words
Awww, this is the first list on the entire site! How cute.
June 23, 2008
bilby commented on the list some-words
Wow ... you mean ... the first list of John, the first user?
June 23, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list some-words
Oh, I know it's not surprising. I just like to think of a time when there was only one list. My new hobby is to type in http://wordie.org/lists/ and then put a random number at the end. I was just wondering if there was some obscure test list out there, floating in the blue.
edit: I currently working on a s l o w computer. Quadruple commenting will not continue. My apologies!
June 23, 2008
bilby commented on the list some-words
This has a slightly religious tone. The First User. Creating in Deep Field of Absolute Blue.
Patrons are hereby informed that Utopia has not been successfully created due to jennarenn's wonky connection at 28Kiddy-bytes per year. Sorry dudez.
June 23, 2008
palooka commented on the list some-words
Fascinating & unique list John! Reading it is an education, a trip through the vagaries of vocabulary.
June 23, 2008