from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used.
- noun A group of persons sharing a common interest.
- noun A group of books or periodicals published as a unit.
- noun A number of couples required for participation in a square dance.
- noun The movements constituting a square dance.
- noun The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance.
- noun The entire enclosure in which a movie is filmed; the sound stage.
- noun A session of music, typically dance music, played before an intermission.
- noun The music so played.
- noun The collective receiving apparatus assembled to operate a radio or television.
- noun Mathematics A collection of distinct elements having specific common properties.
- noun A group of games constituting one division or unit of a match, as in tennis.
- noun An offensive formation in football or basketball.
- intransitive verb To put in a specified position or arrangement; place.
- intransitive verb To put into a specified state.
- intransitive verb To cause to begin an action.
- intransitive verb To cause or assign (someone) to undertake an action or perform a service.
- intransitive verb To incite to hostile feeling or action.
- intransitive verb To position (oneself) so as to be ready to do something, such as start running a race.
- intransitive verb To put into a stable or fixed position, as.
- intransitive verb To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile.
- intransitive verb To put in a mounting; mount.
- intransitive verb To apply jewels to; stud.
- intransitive verb To cause (a hook) to become fixed in a fish's mouth.
- intransitive verb To cause to be in proper, useful, or working condition, as.
- intransitive verb To arrange for the consumption of a meal.
- intransitive verb To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration.
- intransitive verb To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.
- intransitive verb To adjust (a saw) by deflecting the teeth.
- intransitive verb Nautical To spread open to the wind.
- intransitive verb To arrange scenery on (a theater stage).
- intransitive verb To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken.
- intransitive verb To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.
- intransitive verb To concentrate or direct (one's mind or attention, for example) on a purpose or goal.
- intransitive verb To direct or focus (one's desires or hopes, for example) on a certain thing.
- intransitive verb Sports To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.
- intransitive verb To arrange (type) into words and sentences preparatory to printing; compose.
- intransitive verb To transpose (text, for example) into type.
- intransitive verb To compose (music) to fit a given text.
- intransitive verb To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.
- intransitive verb To appoint, establish, or determine, as.
- intransitive verb To declare or demonstrate (a precedent or standard, for instance).
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word set.
If we remember that the extension of a concept is something like the set of objects that fall under the concept, then we could replace Frege's talk of ˜extensions™ by talk of ˜sets™ and use the following ˜set notation™ to refer to the set of objects that when added to 4 yield 5 and the set of objects that when added to 22 yield 5, respectively:
Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic Zalta, Edward N. 2009
According to naïve set theory, the functional expression ˜set of™ is indeed characterized by a putative abstraction principle.
Abstract Objects Rosen, Gideon 2001
In some parts of Bavaria such bushes are set up also at the houses of newly-married pairs, and the practice is only omitted if the wife is near her confinement; for in that case they say that the husband has set up a May-bush for himself.
Chapter 9. The Worship of Trees. § 2. Beneficent Powers of Tree-Spirits 1922
That looks at the * first item* in the selection set [index number 0], and then * removes it from the set* when it's done, and goes back and looks at the first item in what's left.
That looks at the * first item* in the selection set [index number 0], and then * removes it from the set* when it's done, and goes back and looks at the first item in what's left.
Remember when you could set the default Internet settings (e.g. home page, mail account settings) in one place and any savvy Mac app could get or * set* them transparently?
MacFixIt 2009
This code, along with some of its context in the file action_controller / routing / route_set. rb (from Rails version 2.1.1), is listed below. class RouteSet class Mapper def initialize (set) @set = set end def connect (path, options = {}) @set. add_route (path, options) end end def draw clear! yield Mapper. new (self) named_routes. install end def add_route (path, options = {}) 2008
This code, along with some of its context in the file action_controller / routing / route_set. rb (from Rails version 2.1.1), is listed below. class RouteSet class Mapper def initialize (set) @set = set end def connect (path, options = ) @set. add_route (path, options) end end def draw clear! yield Mapper. new (self) named_routes. install end def add_route (path, options = ) 2008
[_He points to the sky, set thick with brilliant stars, the moon having already set_.
Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812. A Drama. and Other Poems. Sarah Anne Curzon 1865
The term set point is often used to describe a physiological version of that same mechanism that controls our body temperature, weight, or any one of many other types of bodily homeostasis.
The Answer John Assaraf 2008
Related Words
synonyms (958)
Words with the same meaning
- A to Z
- A to izzard
- Brownian movement
- Embarrass
- Platonic form
- Platonic idea
- Zeitgeist
- abet
- accepted
- accommodate
- accord
- accretion
- acrid
- aculeate
- acuminate
- acute
- adapt
- adapted
- address
- adhere
- adherence
- adhesion
- adjust
- adjust to
- adjusted
- advance
- aesthetic form
- affix
- affluence
- afflux
- affluxion
- age group
- agglomerate
- agglomeration
- agglutination
- aggregate
- aim
- aim at
- air
- all
- all and sundry
- all ready
- all set
- allocate
- allot
- alpha and omega
- anchor
- anchored
- angular motion
- animus
- annex
- appoint
- appointed
- appropriate to
- aptitude
- aptness
- archetype
- armed
- armed and ready
- arrange
- arranged
- art form
- ascending
- ascent
- ascertained
- aspect
- assemblage
- assign
- assign to
- assigned
- assimilate
- assured
- attach
- attested
- attitude
- attune
- authorize
- axial motion
- azimuth
- back number
- back-number
- backed
- backflowing
- backing
- backward motion
- balking
- balky
- banal
- band
- barb
- base
- battalion
- battery
- be gravid
- be knocked up
- be pregnant
- be seated
- be with child
- be-all
- be-all and end-all
- bear
- bearing
- bearings
- become
- bed
- beginning and end
- belay
- bend
- bend to
- bent
- bestow
- bet
- bevy
- bewhiskered
- bias
- bigoted
- block
- block out
- blood
- blueprinted
- body
- bonded
- booted and spurred
- borne
- bracket
- branch
- breed
- briefed
- brigade
- broadcast
- bromidic
- brood
- build
- build in
- bulldogged
- bulletheaded
- bullheaded
- bump
- bunch
- burden with
- cabal
- cabinet
- cadre
- cake
- calcified
- calculated
- callous
- calloused
- camarilla
- candy
- career
- carry
- carry young
- carve
- case-hardened
- cast
- caste
- category
- cave
- cave in
- celestial navigation
- cell
- cement
- cemented
- certain
- certified
- character
- charge
- charmed circle
- charted
- chassis
- chisel
- chronic
- cicatrize
- cinch
- circle
- circumscribed
- circumscript
- clabber
- clamp
- clan
- clasp
- class
- cleave
- climbing
- clinch
- cling
- cling to
- clinging
- clique
- clock
- close
- close up
- closed circle
- clot
- clotting
- clump
- cluster
- clustering
- coached
- coagulate
- coagulation
- cock
- cocked
- cohere
- coherence
- cohesion
- cohesiveness
- cohort
- collection
- common
- commonplace
- compaction
- company
- complement
- comportment
- compose
- concourse
- concrete
- concretion
- condensation
- condense
- conduce
- configuration
- confirm
- confirmed
- confluence
- conflux
- conformable
- conformation
- congeal
- congealment
- congelation
- conglobation
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- console
- consolidation
- constant
- constitution
- consuetudinary
- contingent
- contribute
- contrived
- conventional
- coordinate
- copy
- corny
- corps
- coterie
- couple
- course
- cover
- covey
- cramp
- create
- crew
- crosscurrent
- crowd
- crusted
- crusty
- crystallize
- crystallized
- curd
- curdle
- current
- customary
- cut
- cut to
- cut-and-dried
- cutting
- dead reckoning
- decided
- decisive
- decline
- decree
- deep-dye
- deep-dyed
- deep-engraven
- deep-fixed
- deep-grounded
- deep-laid
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- deep-set
- deep-settled
- define
- defined
- definite
- defluxion
- deliberate
- delimited
- demand
- demarcated
- demeanor
- denominate
- deployed
- deportment
- deposit
- descend
- descending
- descent
- designate
- designed
- destine
- detachment
- detail
- determinate
- determine
- determined
- devised
- diathesis
- dibble
- dictate
- dictated
- diehard
- dip
- direct
- direction
- direction line
- directionize
- dispose
- disposition
- disseminate
- division
- dogged
- dogmatic
- double-edged
- downflow
- downpour
- downward motion
- drift
- driftage
- drill
- droop
- drop
- dry
- dyed-in-the-wool
- each and every
- earmark
- ebb
- ebbing
- eccentricity
- edge
- edged
- edition
- efform
- elite
- elite group
- embed
- embedded
- embosomed
- embossed
- embrace
- emplace
- emplaced
- encircled
- engraft
- engrafted
- engrave
- engraved
- enjoin
- ensconce
- ensconced
- entrench
- entrenched
- equalize
- equipped
- especial
- establish
- established
- estate
- etch
- etched
- everyday
- everything
- exact
- exposure
- faction
- fade
- familiar
- familiarized
- fanatic
- fashion
- fast
- fasten
- fasten upon
- fastened
- fate
- featheredged
- figuration
- figure
- figured
- file
- fine
- firm
- firmly established
- fit
- fix
- fix on
- fixed
- fleet
- flight
- flinty
- flood
- flop
- flop down
- flow
- flow back
- flow in
- flow out
- flowing
- fluency
- flump
- flump down
- flush
- flux
- foment
- forest
- forge
- form
- formal
- formalize
- format
- formation
- formed
- forward motion
- fossilized
- found
- founder
- frame
- freeze to
- freight with
- frontage
- furnish
- fusty
- game
- gang
- gear to
- gel
- gelatinate
- gelatinize
- generally accepted
- genius
- genre
- gestate
- get up steam
- give way
- glacial movement
- glued
- go
- go down
- good and ready
- grade
- graft
- grain
- granulate
- granulated
- grapple
- grasp
- graven
- grind
- groomed
- ground
- group
- grouping
- groupment
- grow together
- guaranteed
- gush
- hackney
- hackneyed
- hang
- hang on
- hang together
- hardened
- hardheaded
- harmonize
- hatch
- have a tendency
- head
- heading
- headstrong
- heal
- heal over
- hedged about
- helmsmanship
- hew
- hold
- hold a heading
- hold on
- hold together
- homologate
- homologize
- hone
- hornified
- housing
- hover
- hug
- idiosyncrasy
- immovable
- impact
- implant
- implanted
- impose
- impose on
- impose upon
- impress
- impressed
- impression
- imprint
- imprinted
- in arms
- in battle array
- in readiness
- in the bag
- in the saddle
- in the works
- in-group
- inclination
- incline
- incorrigible
- incrassate
- incrusted
- incubate
- inculcated
- indelibly impressed
- indicate
- individualism
- indurate
- indurated
- ineffectual
- infix
- infixed
- inflexible
- inflict on
- inflict upon
- inflow
- informed
- ingrain
- ingrained
- ingroup
- ingrown
- inner circle
- inner form
- inscribe
- inseminate
- inseparability
- inspissate
- install
- installed
- instigate
- instilled
- instruct
- instrument
- instrumentate
- intent
- intolerant
- invest
- inveterate
- inwrought
- irreversible
- issue
- jam
- jammed
- jell
- jellify
- jelly
- junction
- junta
- junto
- justify
- keen
- keen-edged
- key to
- kidney
- kin
- kit
- knack
- knead
- knifelike
- knit
- knock out
- knot
- label
- lapidified
- lapse
- lay
- lay down
- lay on
- lay out
- lay the foundation
- layout
- lead
- lean
- leaning
- length and breadth
- level
- level at
- levy
- library
- library edition
- lick into shape
- lie
- limited
- line
- line of direction
- line of march
- line of position
- load
- loaded
- loaded for bear
- located
- lodge
- long-established
- look to
- look-alikes
- lopper
- lot
- lower
- loyal
- lump
- made sure
- main current
- mainstream
- make
- make an adaptation
- make assignments
- make fast
- make obligatory
- make plumb
- make uniform
- make up
- makeup
- mark
- mark off
- mark out for
- mass
- matching pair
- matrix
- mature
- mean
- measure
- melodize
- mental set
- mention
- methodized
- mettle
- mien
- mill run
- millrace
- mind
- mind-set
- mint
- mise-en-scene
- mob
- mobilized
- modality
- mode
- model
- mold
- moor
- moth-eaten
- motion
- mounting
- movement
- mulish
- musicalize
- musty
- nailed down
- name
- narrow
- nature
- navigation
- normal
- nose
- number
- oblique motion
- obstinate
- obstruct
- obtaining
- oilstone
- old hat
- old-line
- on a rock
- on bedrock
- on ice
- on the agenda
- on the anvil
- on the calendar
- on the carpet
- on the docket
- on the mark
- on the tapis
- one and all
- ongoing
- onrush
- onward course
- open-and-shut
- opinionated
- orchestrate
- ordain
- order
- ordinary
- organized
- orientation
- ossified
- out-group
- outfit
- outflow
- overrun
- overzealous
- pack
- package
- package deal
- pair
- paltry
- park
- party
- passage
- pattern
- peer group
- perch
- persevering
- persist
- pertinacious
- petrified
- phalanx
- pi
- pi a form
- pick out
- pigeonhole
- pigheaded
- pilotage
- piloting
- pin down
- pitch
- place
- placed
- planned
- plant
- planted
- platitudinous
- platoon
- play
- plop
- plop down
- plotted
- plump
- plunging
- point
- point at
- point out
- point to
- popular
- port
- portion off
- pose
- posit
- position
- position line
- positioned
- posse
- post
- posted
- pot
- pour
- prearranged
- predetermined
- predicament
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- prepare
- prepared
- prepared and ready
- prescribe
- prescribed
- prescriptive
- presence
- present
- prevalent
- prime
- primed
- printing
- proclivity
- progress
- projected
- proportion
- prototype
- proved
- provided
- provoke
- psyched up
- put
- put down
- put in
- put in tune
- put on
- put to
- put to music
- put up
- put upon
- quarter
- race
- radial motion
- radio
- radio bearing
- radio receiver
- radio set
- radio telescope
- raise
- random motion
- range
- rank
- rate
- rating
- rationalized
- razor-edged
- ready
- ready for anything
- received
- receiver
- receiving set
- reconcile
- rectify
- redound to
- reduce
- reflowing
- refluence
- reflux
- reforest
- regiment
- regression
- regular
- regulate
- regulation
- regurgitate
- reinforced
- remain seated
- replace
- require
- reserve
- reset
- resolute
- resolved
- restive
- restrict
- restrict to
- retimber
- retrogression
- right
- right itself
- rigid
- rigidified
- ring
- ripe
- rising
- risk
- riveted
- roost
- root
- rooted
- rough out
- roughcast
- roughhew
- rubric
- run
- rush
- saddle with
- sag
- salon
- sapling
- scab over
- scatter seed
- scenery
- schedule
- scheduled
- schematized
- school edition
- scion
- sclerotic
- score
- screw up
- sculpt
- sculpture
- seat
- seated
- section
- secure
- seed
- seed down
- seedling
- select
- self-willed
- seminate
- sept
- series
- serve
- set apart
- set aside
- set in
- set in print
- set off
- set on
- set right
- set theory
- set to
- set to music
- set toward
- set up
- setting
- settle
- settle down
- settled
- settled in habit
- shape
- shaped
- sharp
- sharpen
- shoot
- show a tendency
- sideward motion
- sight on
- significant form
- signify
- similarize
- sink
- sink down
- sinking
- sit
- sit down
- situate
- situated
- slant
- slip
- slouch
- slump
- slump down
- small
- soaring
- solidification
- solidified
- solidify
- sot
- sound
- sow
- sow broadcast
- spate
- special
- specialize
- specific
- specified
- specify
- spiculate
- spotted
- spread
equivalents (12)
Other words for 'set'
hypernyms (66)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- Seton
- approximate
- arrange
- assail
- assault
- attack
- bury
- cognitive state
- comedown
- descend
- descent
- disposition
- egyptian deity
- emplacement
- equip
- establish
- estimate
- exercise
- exercising
- fall
- fit
- fit out
- fix
- gauge
- gear up
- godown
- guess
- hone
- impress
- inclination
- initiate
- judge
- lay
- lay down
- locating
- location
- make
- multiply
- originate
- outfit
- period of play
- physical exercise
- physical exertion
- place
- placement
- play
- playing period
- pose
- position
- positioning
- prepare
- present
- procreate
- put
- ready
- represent
- reproduce
- set up
- sink
- solidify
- stage
- start
- state of mind
- tendency
- workout
hyponyms (12)
Words more specific or concrete
same context (54)
Words that are found in similar contexts
- Writings
- adultus
- agree
- become
- break
- brought
- care
- cast
- datam
- daughter
- description
- development
- drink
- ears
- exeunt
- far
- feelings
- fizzle
- flesh
- found
- get
- go
- gods
- hear
- herself
- hung
- learned
- made
- main
- militaris
- origin
- page
- pair
- passive
- portion
- put
- range
- ready
- reason
- religion
- series
- shut
- sleep
- stand
- step
- structure
- taken
- they
- throw
- thrown
- type
- understand
- variety
- whistle
cross-references (168)
- Seat
- a burgh
- a dead set
- a set match
- adjust
- appoint
- articles of set
- attack
- attitude
- build
- clench
- clock-set
- closed set
- coagulate
- coherent sets
- cohesive set
- compact set
- company
- complete set
- composer
- condensed set
- congeal
- connected set
- content of a closed set of points
- continuous set
- countable set
- countably infinite set
- deduced set
- dense set
- denumerable set
- derivative of a set
- derived set
- descend
- direct
- egg-set
- equivalent sets
- establish
- first set
- fix
- force
- forward
- framed
- fundamental set
- germinate
- group
- hanging sets
- harden
- harlequin set
- inclination
- infinite set
- lath floated and set fair
- limit of a fundamental set
- linear set
- modulate
- motion
- multitude of a set
- normally ordered set
- nucleus of a set
- numerable set
- of set purpose
- open set
- ordinal set
- ornament
- partial set
- perfect set
- permanent set
- place
- plant
- pose
- position
- posture
- potency of a set
- power of a set
- put
- render and set; render
- rest
- rib set
- set close
- set dense in itself
- set her
- set of exchange
- set of the reed
- set out
- set wide
- sets and eyes of potatoes
- sett
- setting the wort
- setting-out rod
- setting-up exercises
- setting-up screw
- similar sets
- simply ordered set
- spread set
- spring set
- stand
- temporary set
- tendency
- the smart set
- theory of sets
- to be dead set against
- to set a case
- to set a paper
- to set a pole
- to set about
- to set abroach
- to set across
- to set against
- to set aland
- to set an example
- to set apart
- to set around a pod
- to set aside
- to set at defiance
- to set at ease
- to set at liberty
- to set at naught
- to set before
- to set by
- to set by the ears
- to set down
- to set eyes on
- to set fire on
- to set flying
- to set forth
- to set forward
- to set hand to fist
- to set in
- to set in order
- to set off
- to set on
- to set on fire
- to set on foot
- to set on ground
- to set one to the door
- to set one's cap
- to set one's cap at
- to set one's face
- to set one's face against
- to set one's hand to
- to set one's heart at rest
- to set one's seal to
- to set one's shoulder to the wheel
- to set one's teeth
- to set out
- to set over
- to set right
- to set sail
- to set seed
- to set short
- to set the hand to
- to set the headband
- to set the heather on fire
- to set the river on fire
- to set the teeth on edge
- to set the temperament
- to set the watch
- to set to
- to set to rights
- to set to sale
- to set up
- to set up a side
- to set up one's birse
- to set up one's rest
- to set upon
- twill set
- upper segment of a set
- well-ordered set
- you up
rhymes (143)
Words with the same terminal sound
- Annette
- Antoinette
- Bernadette
- Bizet
- Bret
- Brett
- Burnett
- Calumet
- Chalmette
- Chet
- Colette
- Corvette
- Deseret
- Fayette
- Georgette
- Gillette
- Henriette
- Janette
- Jeanette
- Jeannette
- Lafayette
- Lett
- Linette
- Lisette
- Louisette
- Lynette
- Marquette
- Met
- Net
- Nicolet
- Nicolette
- Odette
- Olivette
- Paulette
- Piet
- Reset
- Tagamet
- Tet
- Tibet
- Willamette
- Wynette
- Yvette
- abet
- anisette
- baguette
- barbette
- baronet
- barrette
- beget
- beset
- bet
- bett
- boulet
- bret
- brett
- brunet
- brunette
- burnette
- cabriolet
- cadet
- calumet
- cassette
- charette
- charrette
- chevrette
- choquette
- cigarette
- clarinet
- cornet
- cornette
- coronet
- corvette
- cossette
- couchette
- debt
- diskette
- doucet
- duet
- et
- falconet
- fette
- flageolet
- forget
- forgette
- fret
- frett
- gazette
- georgette
- get
- intermet
- jet
- jette
- juliette
- kett
- kitchenette
- let
- lorette
- lorgnette
- luncheonette
- met
- mette
- minaret
- minette
- minuet
- net
- nett
- nyet
- octet
- offset
- pet
- piet
- pipette
- piquette
- preset
- pret
- quartet
- quintet
- regret
- reset
- ret
- rosette
- roulette
- sette
- sextet
- silhouette
- sobriquet
- statuette
- stet
- suffragette
- surette
- sweat
- threat
- tourette
- unmet
- unset
- upset
- vedette
- vet
- vignette
- wet
- whet
- yet
- yett
oroboros commented on the word set
Not completely sure about this yet, but I believe "set" has the longest definition in the OED (greatest number of pages).
December 1, 2006
nkocharh commented on the word set
Wasn't it "run" which had the greatest number of definitions?
December 13, 2006
oroboros commented on the word set
Could be; I still haven't found where I read or heard it. Eventually somebody will know...
December 13, 2006
sarra commented on the word set
WikipediaDecember 13, 2006
andrew.simone commented on the word set
shoot. wikipedia, that made it easy. I was simply going to look at my OED when I got home.
December 13, 2006
oroboros commented on the word set
Thanx to sarra. BTW, I found where I read it: The Meaning of Everything: the story of the OED by Simon Winchester. Great book, highly recommended...
December 13, 2006
sarra commented on the word set
If it helps, I read the fact somewhere when I was quite small and started looking up the length of the "set" entry in rather a lot of dictionaries afterward :)
December 13, 2006
andrew.simone commented on the word set
it really is nice to know there are more people like me in the world.
December 13, 2006
whichbe commented on the word set
June 20, 2007
yarb commented on the word set
It's fun to compare the OED definition with the weirdnet one.
November 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the word set
News Flash from the OED website:
"Set (the verb) no longer the longest entry in the OED
For many years the verb to set has been cited as the longest entry in the OED. But a recheck shows that it has at last been toppled from this position. The longest entry in the revised matter is represented by the verb to make (published in June 2000). However, it is quite possible that set will regain its long-held position at the top of the league of long words when it comes itself to be revised.
In ranking order, the longest entries currently in the online Third Edition of the OED are: make (verb - revised), set (verb), run (verb), take (verb), go (verb), pre- (revised), non- (revised), over- (revised), stand (verb), red, and then point (the noun - revised)."
November 16, 2007
jennarenn commented on the word set
Zoiks! We're witnessing history in the making.
November 16, 2007
gangerh commented on the word set
An environment used for filming.
July 16, 2008
myth commented on the word set
I see the table is set for four.
Why that's nothing my alarm clock is set for eight. - G Marx
May 17, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the word set
I love that there's a collection of the longest definitions here. I'll take the whole set!
February 14, 2012
fbharjo commented on the word set
I don't know what to make of the OED's set in the long run, but whatever it is going to take, I am set to understand the point. I see red. (see Reesetee's comment on longest definitions onset)
February 14, 2012
GHibbs commented on the word set
The word set is also the past and presumably also the past participle of the verb set.
December 14, 2013
BamboozlePizzazz commented on the word set
Miscellaneous technical census
August 25, 2018